Saturday, September 12, 2009

D-6 You Can Pick A Lot of Things...

I'm cutting it close but technically I'm still good because it's only 11:21 in Arizona. I've still got 39 minutes to make this happen people!! :-)

I got the chance to play with Laurence Juber ( and I had a blast! It was a very cool setting for a gig and a very cool opportunity to get to give back a little to a very great cause. It was an honor and a pleasure to play with Laurence and to be asked to perform last night so thank you to all of you who attended and showed your support and donated money to "City of Hope." There's a very special (music filled) place in heaven for all of you :-) Don't you worry I'll stick a few clips from the show up once I get them off my camera so you can spend a minute with Laurence and I. :-)

I got to Arizona this afternoon and was able to spend some quality time with my bestest (I know that's not a word don't worry) friend, my dad, who ended up kicking my ass in bowling which sucks because I pride myself on my bowling ability, never the less I got rocked by the old man! Ego has been deflated about 47%.
I also was greeted by a house full of cookies and fruit punch (which rocks because I don't care if your 5 or 105 homemade cookies can never be a bad thing) and a big hug from my fantastic mom! Coming home feels great every time I get the chance to do it. Sometimes it just feels good to get away from LA even if it's only for a minute or two.

I go into the studio on Monday afternoon and that's when the pressure is on and the tide rises and the winds blow and the floods come up and the dogs perk up and the cats freak out and the magic happens :-) Tomorrow will be a big day to basically cram last second chords, fix me ups, lyric fixes and throat lozenges. We'll be in touch more tomorrow when the true inspiration (hopefully) will show up but the message for today is simple and true.

"There are two ways to get to the top of an oak tree. You can sit on an acorn, or you can climb the tree."

Sleep well my wonderful friends,



Unknown said...

You're an AZ boy? I had no idea! :D I'm a Scottsdale girl myself. Where did you grow up?

Anonymous said...

Your in AZ!!!! how awesome. i would love to spend some time with you!!!

Mandie Laforet said...

I'm late... How did the recording go?