Saturday, September 19, 2009

D-13 sucking, sucks.

So how cool is this...

I'm in an airplane, typing to all of you. I'm flying, and on the Internet! I'm in the sky 30,000 feet high and talking to you!!! Holy shit it's crazy!

I'm on my way back to LA for about two weeks and I think it'll be really nice to be back. I can't get too comfy because there is still a lot of work to do in the studio on the record but it'll be great to have a couple weeks to sit with the rough mixes and really dive into them.

I want to say thank you to all of you who come here day after day or even every so often to check out what's new. I have said it before but the fact will always remain that I can't do this without you guys so thank you for always being there for me. I'm very lucky too be able to do this and I'm very lucky to have tremendous support for it. On that note I'll always do my best to not suck! Plain and simple! I've created expectations for this album and I will always do my best to make sure I can reach them.

So thank you for helping me with the strength and desire to do what I love and for the constant motivation...

That's the lesson today... Don't suck! Unless you're a vacuum... Sucking, sucks so let's all try our best not to! :-)

-- Posted from my iPhone


marla said...

Aww Harley, your very welcome!!! Like I've been saying, I'm soo excited for this album. Your an incredibly talented musician who puts out incredible music. Theres just something about it that makes it soo amazing. You have your own voice and sound and I think thats why I love your music soo much. You make it your own and your words inspire me. I keep having this feeling that this album is gonna be the best one yet, I have this feeling. I'm sure it will come true and I'm definitely sure that it will not suck, lol.

Anyways have fun in LA :)

peace and love <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!! Hurry back!! I miss you already!!! lol
Have fun! :)
Much Love!