Only You Can Love Me This Way
But at times I think we can all make our lives a little tougher than it really needs to be. Why we do this I haven't quite figured out but I think maybe I have an idea...
My theory is it's just easier to say how hard something is or how pissed you are about it than it would be to use the brain power to make things better or to think of ideas to fix the situation. I think we can all admit that there has been a time (maybe 20) when if we would have just laid off being so mad about the situation we could have fixed it in a much faster time. I'm not saying that getting pissed from time to time is a horrible thing, that's life, it's a roller coaster so ride that loops, twists, turns, and slopes of your emotions. Sometimes you need to throw your hands up and scream but sometimes you need to throw your hands up with joy! Enjoy the ride and the constant rush of the changing speeds and levels. Most times than not I think when we get in a situation that frustrates us we can't always think straight and then we make or life more difficult than it EVER needed to be. So simplify. Breathe, think, and simplify. It's gonna be ok I promise. Life is here for you to be apart of and enjoy so go out and do something crazy like fall in love or buy that extra half pound of peanut butter m&ms.

Sign up for the fan mailing list if you haven't done so yet. I promise I wont bug you with smap and random lame stuff but I'll let you know when gigs are and merch comes out and when I buy a dog I'll send you some pictures... if that ever happens :-)
Thanks Harley... I really needed that second paragraph today!
I happen to be a fan of Keith Urban as well, and the cool thing about it is when he sings the Australian accent doesn't come out, but when he's talking it's heavy and strong which is pretty amazing. If you ever watch the CMA Awards when he's on he's shy and such.
The paragraph is a nail biter, I needed to read that, see it on words. It's like the President Barack Obama's speech yesterday in a way. He was talking about how important Education is and to keep on riding the waves even if things don't go well, and your paragraph summed up all life. Thanks so much for being an inspiration, I've signed up on the mailing list and I hope you will be doing some tours in Houston, Texas.
I've got a song that I want to email to you, and I think you could put the Alternative/Rock edge to the whole gist of the song which I wouldn't mind if you could change the cords up and everything. Hows everything going with song writing?
Thanks sooo much for the blog post Harley!!! I'm soo moved by what you said, your an amazing person. Your words of wisdom are amazing and inspiring to me. When there are days where I just feel like complete crap I will remember what you said, I really will.
Again thanks soo much for this.
I absolutely love that Keith Urban song! I love the guitar riff in it he's such a great guitar player...and I'm seeing him in concert a month from today so that video made me so excited for it!
Thanks for your words of wisdom, they make a lot of sense and are very helpful to think about when things get tough in life. I will definetely keep what you said in mind! : )
Thank you for your blogs. They make me smile!! Thank you for the second paragraph!!! I happen to be a huge Kieth Urban fan as well. I have two of his cds and yes, i love that song!!
Hope you are well!!
Much Love!
your way with words will never cease to amaze/inspire me. thank you for the very gentle kick in the ass you always seem to provide.
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