Friday, September 11, 2009

D-5 San Diego or Bust

Tonights the night a big time dream happens for me! I am playing a show with an incredible musician, Laurence Juber. An absolutely amazing and inspiring guitar player who is probably best known for busting the axe out when playing with Paul McCartney and Wings!

I gotta keep this one short but the message today is, dreams do come true I promise. You gotta dream big to be big! So go for it! Make it happen... You'll have to work for it... Trust me! But do it!

You're awesome,
Without wax...


-- Posted from my iPhone


Mandie Laforet said...

First! Yay me,

Your post reminds me of the movie 'Field of Dreams' thanks! And congrats on one of your big dreams coming true, just because this one happened doesn't mean more won't and by the looks of it your on a roll.

Keep it up Harley because sooner or later your going to think of more stuff and it will all come true.


marla said...

Amen Harley, Amen!!! You should come to my college and put on a show...

Anonymous said...

Loved yyour blog harley!!! dreams do come true!!! i hope you had fun last night!!!!