Wednesday, September 30, 2009

D-23 for the boy scouts...

You never know what life will throw at you. So you gotta be waiting for something great to happen at all times. You never know when that moment will come where you realize, "in the next 15 minutes my life could change forever."

The thing about that is, it's only going to actually change for the better if you're prepared and ready for it. If you are constantly expecting the worst it's not going to change in your favor. If you're reading this and you're an actor or a singer, a performer of any kind... Study, learn, DO! You can go to school all you want to learn to perform but if you aren't performing you'll never hands that hands on experience that really counts. If you're not in the performing arts, study, learn, DO! Always try to be the best at your craft no matter what it is, fixing cars, cleaning bathrooms, selling motorcycles, singing in a rock band, bagging groceries, the CEO of cables soup! Use your head, we were all born with common sense so use it! Think of new exciting ways to make the most of your current situation and I promise the universe will provide. But it'll only happen if you're prepared for it. Always be prepared.

1 comment:

Mandie Laforet said...

Thanks for this post because it is motivating. I've got auditions coming up Monday and Tuesday yet, I'm really debating whether or not to go to them because I need a Modern Rock - Pop - Broadway song and I can't think of anything. I was told that I need something that will 'sell me', but since I haven't had as much voice lessons as I've wanted I'm skeptical about going into this audition. I may give it a go, even if I'm on tech because it's Godspell, one of my favourite musicals and I'd love to be in this production, it would be the first musical to audition for the rest have been straight plays. I'm still debating and everything is in the air about my auditioning ability, but then I read this line "The thing about that is, it's only going to actually change for the better if you're prepared and ready for it. If you are constantly expecting the worst it's not going to change in your favor." If I expect the worse, the worse will be the outcome, so no matter what I'm going to apply myself to auditions.

Your an inspiration.
