Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Xmas

Sing it Kid.... :-)

Merry Christmas and Dolla Dolla Bill Ya'll ;-)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Rock N' Roll

Ok I've gotta post this. This will be probably the best 3 minutes and 42 seconds of 2008. Trust Me.

Why the hell don't they make cartoons like that anymore? Do we have to have these computer generated, what is supposed to look like real life, crap cartoons now? I want this crap dammit! And I want to meet the dude that wrote that tune because I friggin love it. Why don't we have song like this anymore either? Big vocals, harmonies, the works. Honestly if you don't crack up while watching this you need to watch it again. They say "Radio Blastin' on the way to the club gonna rock this town tonight!!" AMAZING!!! This is a kids show and who knew that they would have had a Britney Spears chipmunk before Britney was even a thought!!!
Ok I'll get off that subject but you have to admit back in the Late Late 80's this song was bad to the bone!
I also wanted to talk about the Christmas Benefit! What a great turn out! Thanks to everyone that showed up and donate money and listened to everybody play and for being so so kind during the entire show! I had one of the greatest times I've had since I've lived here and I owe it all to you guys so thank you from the bottom of my heart it was great to be there.
Alright Usually I end these things with Keep safe but today I think I will tell you to Keep safe but honestly this week, let try adn be the "Boy's and Girl's of Rock N' Roll."

Harley Jay

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Strike Epidemic, Say, & Sporting Goods

The strike on Broadway has officially been going on for 2 weeks. What do I think? How do I feel about that? What could I possibly say that hasn't been said yet? NOTHING! Lets just fix it... and in the words of Forest Gump "That's all I have to say about that." Good grief... :-/ I don't even have pictures of the whole thing because it has been the same pictures for the last 13 days as they were the first, a bunch of people in the freezing cold (most of the time rainy weather, holding coffee and signs and pacing back and forth) in hopes of clearing this up quickly as well.
Onto something a bit happier, or less confusing, or just something else...
If you have a free second I invite you to check out this brilliant piece of work from a guy that I will admit dated my Aunt. Yes my Aunt. Yes I will say once again he dated my Aunt. He plays guitar, sings, writes brilliant music, and dates my Aunt... I mean Dated... They are no longer dating... The mastermind I'm talking about is John Mayer. Yes the "You're body is a Wonderland, No Such Thing, Waiting on the World to Change, used to have his own TV show 'til it flopped and has seen Jessica Simpson naked, John Mayer. Anyway, he has a single out of a song he did for a film and the song is (like 99 percent of his stuff) totally brilliant. It's called "Say" Say-John Mayer Click that and it'll pop up on iTunes, you can hear a clip... At least I think I did the link thing right.

Ok now it's time for me to admit something. While the strike was going on in New York the first week, I was there and showed up at the theater and did my thing but no show. Then my sister got very sick and put into the hospital for kidney defect and I asked to go home to be with her and the rest of my family. My stage manager was very cool about the whole thing and I flew home last Monday to be with everybody. My sister is still sick (a week later) and hopefully the doctors will figure out what is wrong with her but it was really nice to hang with my family especially since it was Thanksgiving this week. My dad is easily my best friend in the entire world and at 53 the dude can rock out in more sports than a 24 year old little boy. How do I know? Because I'm 24 and he rocks my world at everything. It's been fantastic even if I am getting beat around whatever sporting field we are playing that day. So I will be heading back to New York tomorrow and while I'm there I plan on hiring Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Dickie Webber, and Tiger Woods for 7 hours a day 4 days a week to teach me how to whoop my dads ass in everything... nuff said.

Be good you guys and Keep Safe :-)


Monday, November 19, 2007

I Just Have to Inform You Guys I Think...

Hey everybody,
I will keep this one short and do another tomorrow but I wanted to just tell everybody a quick little insight.

I am not the only one that checks and updates my myspace page. I will Promise though that when you get a response from me related to a note or comment on myspace, it's ALWAYS me writing you back but I'm not always... I'm hardly ever the one updating the information, or changing the look, or adding songs, mixing up comments... the list goes on. But the bottom line is please please please, I beg of you to forgive me if you paid 20 bucks or whatever for my Broadway Record and found out that you can now buy it through digital download from DigStation. It is cheaper, I will give you that, it saves you money, but I have nothing to do with that download and neither does this fan site. Please don't write mean things to the very nice girl that runs this page about how you feel you got screwed out of 5 bucks or however much it cost you to purchase it from here instead of downloading the record.
I will give you a couple reasons though why it is more money to buy here than it is to download the album. If you buy it here I donate money to Marfan Syndrome. Also when you buy the record here, you get the actual product, meaning you get the CD and the artwork and the case and it's wrapped in plastic, the whole shibag!
When you download the album you don't get an actual CD case and the works, and none of that money goes to the charity. In fact I don't hardly get a cent of that purchase, it mostly goes to the downloading company.
I realize this is a ridiculous Blog but wanted to just clear something up for the people that are pissed they paid more money for the album and felt the need to say something to the manager of this site.

I'm really sorry but I thought I would get that out there, also just so it's not a surprise the record will be on iTunes soon and will be the same price on there as it is on Digstation (all the same applies) I hope that kind of clears things up for you guys and is a good enough explanation as too why there is a price difference.

That being said you guys are fantastic and I can't thank you enough for the very kind e-mails, letters, messages, comments the works that you have all said in response to my album, I'm glad yo enjoy it, and if you don't like it I apologize I'll do better next time I swear. :-)

Be good and check back again later within 24 hours and we'll have a much better update... Especially with this crazy crudy strike. Keep safe everyone.


Monday, November 12, 2007

What's my take on this whole thing...

I hear Broadway made world headline news. I'm not quite sure it's the type of headline news everyone might be hoping for but Broadway made headline news...
It's a bit hard for me to explain what is happening here.
It's a very mixed feeling.
Sometimes I feel like everyone just needs to get over themselves and move on, stagehands, producers, actors, directors... whatever.
It's hard to really speak your piece about this entire circumstance because you want to support everyone. The stagehands are great guys and girls and the show can not function at all without them. What do I mean by that? The stagehands are (just to name a few) the ones that run the lights, the sound, the fly systems, the costumes, the fair and make up, the dressers, the ones that clean the theater each day, the ones that fix broken props, the ones that move the piano on stage so you can rehearse, the ones collecting the tickets at the door, the ones selling you the tickets.. the list goes on and on...

I'm not going to put my opinion too much into this topic because too be honest it's really not my place to say who is right and who is being unreasonable. It goes both ways. That's what I will say. Both (the stagehands and the producers) have great arguments and both have not so great requests.
What I will say is I know a lot of stagehands that have families, and I know a lot of producers that have families. Both are trying to make money and both are trying to keep their job. Both are loosing out in some way shape or form because of the strike. And that being said so are the Actors, and too be honest it isn't really our fight. We want to support the theater family but we loose out on our paychecks as this continues too.
I don't think I really want to give too much more on this subject, at least in this fashion because honestly I don't really know what to say about it all. My general consensus is very simple though... It Sucks, I just want to perform. Lets fix this all ready.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Was I Nervous....

Hi Everybody!
First I think I should warn you, I finally discovered the fact that I am skinny... Weird. Abnormally skinny I never really thought, freaky skinny, naw, Gross to look at, I hope not, skinny, tall, lanky, and now blonde... YES!! So I have decided to do the gym thing. I don't really like to go to the gym because I find everything in there is very, very heavy. None the less, I'm skinny so I will give this gym thing a hsot for a couple of months and we'll see how it turns out from there. That being said, I imagine I'll have numerous spelling and grammar mistakes because I can hardly lift my arms up to the keyboard, in fact it almost hurts to press the keys, if you catch my drift. (please say you do) Ok if you don't... I'm a pansey and worked out a little too hard maybe and my arms hurt like hell.
That being said...
I had my Broadway debut. I went on with Adam Pascal as Roger and had a blast. People keep asking me if I was nervous, was I nervous to play Mark? No. Was I nervous because I was in Rent? Not Really. Was I nervous becaseu I didn't feel prepared? Again, Not Really, I think I knew was I was supposed to do and when. But here's were I got nervous...

I run out on stage holding the camera and tri-pod. I set it up on the end of the stage, I turn to look at everyone in the cast (they all look very supportive) take a breath... "We begin, on Christmas Eve with me Mark and..." cool the opening mono is going just fine, just like old times on tour. Finally the opening mono is done and "SMILE" "December 24th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time from here on in I shoot without a script. See if anything comes of it, instead of my old shit.. First shot Rog..." HOLY SHIT THAT'S ADAM PASCAL.... That's when I got a little nervous. That's the kat I've been listening to for the past 10 years or whatever, he's the real deal, the main guy, THE OR-IG-IN-AL . Very cool.
I had a great time, and it was a lot of fun to perform with someone I've looked up to for so long. I missed Dec of course, and can not wait to get up and sing this show with him on a completely new stage but had a very good time with Adam as well.
I don't have any footage or anything of the show but I can play you this.... ( the quality is weird because it was taken by a cell phone so just roll with it...

The pictures in that small video were made by a wonderfully supportive friend of mine Tracey, and the audio was taken by probably the best fan a guy could ask for. :-)
Speaking of wonderful people. Check these bad boys out..

Everyone I think knows I have a major sweet tooth so Ann Marie (a total sweetheart I met while on tour) made these for me as an opening night present. Yes, those are chocolates with mine and Dec's face on them... I know I know... Sweet has a double meaning here... :-) Come by the theater and I'll share them with you. Thank you very much Ann Marie.
Also thanks so much to the cool packages and letters sent to the stage door at the theater. It was cool when I got my frist few letters, I was surprised and really stoked about so mthanks a ton for sending stuff over to the theater and showing all the support on my behalf.
I think that's about all for now, I hope you guys enjoyed the little music clip sorry it wasn't the ENTIRE song but a good chunk of it I think :-) I hope everyone is well. Come see Declan and I on the 8th of Oct. that's our official opening night. We'll do our best NOT to suck I promise. Keep safe everybody.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Opening Nights and More weird S**t in New York

Lets first start with this crap I found outside of the Nederlander Theater...

Yes, I have found Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Sludge Crud outside of the Nederlander Theater. Now this was pretty tempting to play in because I've always been a pretty big fan of those "Mean Green Fightin' Machines" I didn't play in it... But I wanted to I'm not gonna lie.

Also... I have found the love child of Freddie Mercury (Lead Singer of Queen) and Borat on teh Subway of New York City.

Right! RIGHT!!

I think that's all that needs to be said about this kat.

Moving on...
I went to the grocery store and bought Chicken Nuggets. I love Chicken Nuggets. This time I happened to buy some Tyson chicken nuggets and they had all kinds of VegiTales crap all over the package, but I thought VegiTales, (singing dancing wickedly happy cartoon vegetables) that could make eatting so much more fun... Why not!? I get them home I open up the package and check this out...

Now I try and keep my mind out of the gutter as often as possible but come on, perverted chicken. Don't even try and come up with an excuse as to why Tyson made chicken that looks like a penis and boobs... The reason why is because it's supposed to be a childerens food and it's funny to make little kids eat that stuff and have no clue.

Finally, I had my opening night on Broadway! It was wicked fun. I got to do the show with Adam Pascal! Come on, that's bad to the bone, the original big shot... I had a blast. I missed Dec, but had a great time and can't wait to share the stage with my good British friend.
You get the point. I ramble, it's what I do.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Putting "Starbusts" to Shame

Hello from...New York City!!!

I've ben told you can get everything here... Everything. I've learned that just might be true.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a big fan of Gummy Bears always have been for some reason. Well I think I've always had a soft spot in my mouth and in my heart for almost every "chewy" candy out there... Chewy Sprees, Skittles, Gummy Bears, the list goes on and on. I've got a sweet tooth what can I say :-) I will say though ever since being in the studio to record my album, I've been addicted to salted Pumpkin Seeds. I guess since drugs aren't so much the thrill they used to be in the recording studio musicians are reverting to other ways to get there high, I've never tried drugs of any kind before (and to be honest don't ever plan on it) but I don't mind admitting I might be addicted to these pumpkin seeds. Getting to my point though about finding anything in New York, I've discovered the most glorious chewy candy on the entire planet, hands down.

Please Note:

That is the flavor, I've tried maybe 10 different kinds and the Strawberry kick my ass. I love them. I don't know what the hell they are called I don't know how to pronounce a single word on the wrapper and I couldn't tell you what it's made out of (it might be dog s**t and whale blubber (but honestly if whale blubber were in these it wouldn't surprise me at all) and I'd keep eatting it still) but they are incredible. I've found them in lot of random delis and stuff in New York and have a sweet looking secret stash in my apartment, for those 3am cravings. But please get out and try these crazy chewy things, they will rock your world.

Now I have a question for all of you. I am on some weird, and very random, graffiti art kick. I really want some for my apartment. I don't mean someone come over and spray paint the snot out of my walls I mean, I want like poster board sized canvas painted on with bright colors and cool looking writting and scenery and the works. I'd pay for it if I could find it but have yet to discover where someone will do it for less than like 300 bucks... I don't mean to be cheap but I don't have a spare 300 smack-a-roos for wall art, sorry. I talked to a dude in soho who was painting crazy planets and stuff on paper with spray paint if he could help me out and some how that kinda fell thru, honestly I'll take the blame for that though. He was going to do a graffitti picture for me of my logo...

The "HJ" thing. But some how it ended up falling apart...crap!
Anyway, if you guys do it, or know someone that does, let me know, cause I want some! :-)

Ok it's time for bed...Finally, long day of rehearsal and cleaning the apartment, an episode of HJ cribs will be coming up very soon so check back... :-)

Keep safe everybody.



It's late and I spelled a ton of stuff wrong... Once again, it's late...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Look Who I Met

So I've only been in New York for like 9 days and have all ready seen/met some of the most interesting people. For example check this guy out:

I got on the subway and for the first time since I've been here actually found a place to sit. I looked straight ahead and this kat was just sitting there in his own little world. I'm not quite sure if he was just resting his eyes or if he was actually asleep because every once in a while he'd mumble something terrific but honestly don't know if it was intentional or just a crazy dream he was having.
But before seeing that dude I went to this place called the Metro Diner on like 100th street or close to it. Anyway I sat down to enjoy some type of diner delight and look who was sittin gabout 8 booths away from me...

I KNOW!!!!!
Is that NOT Jonathan Larsen....
I will say I have seen him, reading the newspaper... He is alive and well and checking up on us all. Now I realize I'm the creppy one that took a secret picture of a perfect stanger and am now posting it on the internet, but this is too sweet to not talk about.
Lastly, some of you know I'm a fan of country music... I wouldn't say ALL country music but I am a huge fan of Keith Urban and Rascal Flatts (which to be honest I think tops my list of country artists, i don't htink I really listen to any other country music besides them but...) Rascal Flatts New ALBUM comes out Sept. 25th.. Umm Yee Ha!

Keep on keepin on and Keep safe Everyone :-)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Amanda's Taking Over YouTube

Some of you I'm sure, have met my girlfriend Amanda.

But have you seen her as Britney Spears in this Parody video that's cleaning up on YouTube?

Add to My Profile | More Videos
She's Funny :-)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Think I've Just Discovered Something Great....

Out of nowhere I've decided to use this as my main "Keep Everyone In The Loop" blog spot. I like the idea of this much better than myspace (no offense) and seems fitting since this Blog is connected to the HJ Fan Page.
I'm not a huge web browser but I will admit I attend John Mayers blog spot almost weekly.

This is John by the way:

I think John has the best way of expressing himself than almost anyone out there right now. Perhaps that's way he was voted one of the World Top 100 most influential people. I don't know. But he has a very interesting way of being himself and being very clever and very honest without sounding like he's trying too hard or like he's expecting something from someone in return.
Since we're on the topic of John Mayer I'd like to just simply state two things.

ONE: He dated my Aunt for a few months before he dated Jessica Simpson so that kinda makes me feel like we have some odd connection, I'm forcing it I know but did he date your Aunt?
TWO: I think this video speaks entirely for itself...

If you didn't notice it before go back an watch one more time. John never laughs or smiles, and very subtley keeps a very straight face through the entire thing while still realizing he's being brilliant. I like things like that.

Maybe I should have called this Blog... Ode to John but I didn't plan on doing it so since that wasn't the original thought before starting the "Pen to the pap"... "The fingers to the letters and numbers?" I'll keep it how it was when I started. I feel like that way it's a little more real or something.
Kep safe

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chinese Food, Mexican Food, McDonalds & In N Out


OK here goes:

I haven't kept up at all with myspace or any other web page due to a number of different things. I've been recording two different albums which had to be put on hold for a little bit while I worked out final kinks and crap with producers, managers, family, Los Angeles, blah blah the list goes on. But the good thing is, things are back on track moving forward and the 1st of two albums is DONE...COMPLETE...FINISHED... I wont be putting it out until the second week of Aug. due to agent and manager requests but you can pre-order the album at the The H.J. Fan Page.

Fan Page:


The album is a mix of TEN of my favorite Broadway tunes, from Superstar to Les Mis, to Grease, to West Side Story... The reason behind the tracks on the CD are I wanted to give it my interpretation but keep it in the style the song was made in. By that I mean if it was recorded originally in the 70's I wanted to keep that sound and that feel, but make it a little bit new to the ear. If that makes any sense at all.
Anyway I did a version of "Those Magic Changes" from Grease so check it out, and I hope you all enjoy it.

Thanks so much for all the encouragement you all send my way and for the kind messages and comments, they make my day. I hope all of you are well and healthy and happy. And hopefully I'll be seeing or hearing from you soon :-)

Keep safe!

Harley Jay

Friday, June 8, 2007

Two Weeks Later

After two weeks of the tour being over I have decided that I miss my friends and their company and that entire part of my life will forever stay in my heart. Like any family we had incredibly great times and incredibly rough times and fought thru all of it the best we could and seeing as we all made it back to our lives safe and sound I think we did a pretty great job :-)

I've been in the studio trying to be as creative as I can without beating the music into the groud and I think so far we have had some great success.

For those of you who have tried to keep up with my life and my time out of the show I thank you very much. Also, I will be putting out two CD's in the next few months the first to be out by July. This will be (hopefully) a fresh take on some old and newer Broadway musicals. I have never been a huge fan of cover bands or cover material but think Broadway music needs to always be put out into the world and I would like to be there to help. So the first record will be some of my favorite Broadway tunes sung by me while trying to keep things the way we've all learned to love them but hopefully with a little bit fresher sound.

The Second will come out just a few weeks later of my own stuff. Completely me. Music lyrics and all. This is the one I'm a bit nervous about just because I've never put out a record before so it will be a first for all of us. After that record is released I'll be gigging around LA and the near cities to try and promote the album and keep the juices flowing.

For some reason this seems like it sounds like some sort of business plan or something and has to be awfully boring to read so I'm big time sorry. But there ya have it. That's the update and the life after the craziness of the RENT Tour.

Anyway if anyone in the casts checks this out I'd like them to know that I'd still gladly play in traffic for any one of them, and I think they are all flippin sickly talented and miss you all like crazy. That little note also goes to the fans and all of their support. Thank you so much for coming to so many shows and for all of you that made it to the final city to share that whole thing with us. We LOVED having you there!!!

As Ringo Starr once put it... Peace and Love Peace and Love...

I'll catch you all on the flip stick and keep in touch. I'm not done yet :-)


P.s. Sory 4 ani gramer mystakes ore tipoes Itz L-8 xox0

Monday, May 7, 2007



I've said it before and somehow have never managed to finish the darn thing but the tour is over May 20th and I get back home the 21st and jump into the studio on May 22nd for two weeks to finish it up. I hardly think it will take two weeks but that's the time I've given myself. I will be honest, the album could just be an Ep with about 5 or 6 songs on it but I'm kind of a person who would rather have 5 or 6 Great songs than 12 or 14 Ok ones. I'm going to do my best to have some great stuff on the album and should be out by the latest on July 1st. Check back though because if it gets out sooner this will be the first place to know.
After the album comes out I'll have a few months off and then back to another adventure in the performance world. I'll fill you in more when that exact dates comes closer but I wont be dropping out off the face of the earth just yet. Hopefully not ever to be honest. Thats about it for right now. I hope all is well. Keep smiling and keep safe.

My finger is still boken but feels, Oh so Good :-)
Harley Jay

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Hand Story :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Hand Story :-)
So just when I think the Rent fans couldn't get any sweeter or more incredible, i break my finger and they proove me wrong once again :-)


I usually punch the phone in Halloween. Almost every show I take a big whack at the stupid thing and most of the time it hurts a little (sometimes not at all) but never really hurt enough to the point I thought I should quit. Well, the final show in University Park, PA I was pretty into the song, having a great time and decided i was gonna pick a fight with the payphone... So I did, and to put it boldly, I got my a** kicked. What I'm trying to say is... YES, the payphone beat me up in the middle of a show and there was nothing I could do to stop it. :-) I basically wound up and smacked the snot out of the stupid phone and the second my hand left the surface I looked down and went... "Holy Broken Hand Harley Look what you just did..."Anyway I did the rest of the show because at that point in the show, Mark can't really walk off the stage and then as soon as the show was over Declan and I along with Stacy our company Manager went to the hospital because my knuckle and pinky finger was (A) in the wrong spot and (B) about four sizes too big. I got to the hospital with my incredible support group and got X-Rayed and turns out I broke my pinky finger and have to see and hand surgen because there is a chance I torn the ligament in it too... Yay!!!

So there's the update with the hand I HAVE to get going but I have more to say so check back later tonight with a bit of a thank you card to the amazing rent fans and supporters...

I love you guys..Smiles and keep safe

Gimp Master Jay
(Harley Jay)

Monday, April 16, 2007

New Merchandise

Hey guys so I am trying to help out the Mafan Foundation by selling Harley Jay Logo Dog Tags.

Check them out at: copy and paste this link to your browser:

Thats the direct link to the tags. There is all kinds of new stuff for sale but those are the most recent. I am trying to help raise money for Marfan Syndrome research.

What's Marfan syndrome?
"The Marfan syndrome is a heritable condition that affects the connective tissue. The primary purpose of connective tissue is to hold the body together and provide a framework for growth and development. In the Marfan syndrome, the connective tissue is defective and does not act as it should. Because connective tissue is found throughout the body, the Marfan syndrome can affect many body systems, including the skeleton, eyes, heart and blood vessels, nervous system, skin and lungs. The Marfan syndrome affects men, women and children, and has been found among people of all races and ethnic backgrounds."
"It is estimated that at least 1 in 5,000 people in the United States have the disorder."

Marfan Syndrome is what they say Johnathon Larson (writter of Rent) died from.

Check them out and rock out for a good cause.

Plus they're bad a** dog tags if I do say so myself!


Harley Jay