Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Think I've Just Discovered Something Great....

Out of nowhere I've decided to use this as my main "Keep Everyone In The Loop" blog spot. I like the idea of this much better than myspace (no offense) and seems fitting since this Blog is connected to the HJ Fan Page.
I'm not a huge web browser but I will admit I attend John Mayers blog spot almost weekly.

This is John by the way:

I think John has the best way of expressing himself than almost anyone out there right now. Perhaps that's way he was voted one of the World Top 100 most influential people. I don't know. But he has a very interesting way of being himself and being very clever and very honest without sounding like he's trying too hard or like he's expecting something from someone in return.
Since we're on the topic of John Mayer I'd like to just simply state two things.

ONE: He dated my Aunt for a few months before he dated Jessica Simpson so that kinda makes me feel like we have some odd connection, I'm forcing it I know but did he date your Aunt?
TWO: I think this video speaks entirely for itself...

If you didn't notice it before go back an watch one more time. John never laughs or smiles, and very subtley keeps a very straight face through the entire thing while still realizing he's being brilliant. I like things like that.

Maybe I should have called this Blog... Ode to John but I didn't plan on doing it so since that wasn't the original thought before starting the "Pen to the pap"... "The fingers to the letters and numbers?" I'll keep it how it was when I started. I feel like that way it's a little more real or something.
Kep safe


Anonymous said...

have you seen the real Chocolate Rain video?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE John Mayer...I also think that he is just so incredibly talented. Maybe you'll get to meet him one day :)