Monday, April 23, 2007

The Hand Story :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Hand Story :-)
So just when I think the Rent fans couldn't get any sweeter or more incredible, i break my finger and they proove me wrong once again :-)


I usually punch the phone in Halloween. Almost every show I take a big whack at the stupid thing and most of the time it hurts a little (sometimes not at all) but never really hurt enough to the point I thought I should quit. Well, the final show in University Park, PA I was pretty into the song, having a great time and decided i was gonna pick a fight with the payphone... So I did, and to put it boldly, I got my a** kicked. What I'm trying to say is... YES, the payphone beat me up in the middle of a show and there was nothing I could do to stop it. :-) I basically wound up and smacked the snot out of the stupid phone and the second my hand left the surface I looked down and went... "Holy Broken Hand Harley Look what you just did..."Anyway I did the rest of the show because at that point in the show, Mark can't really walk off the stage and then as soon as the show was over Declan and I along with Stacy our company Manager went to the hospital because my knuckle and pinky finger was (A) in the wrong spot and (B) about four sizes too big. I got to the hospital with my incredible support group and got X-Rayed and turns out I broke my pinky finger and have to see and hand surgen because there is a chance I torn the ligament in it too... Yay!!!

So there's the update with the hand I HAVE to get going but I have more to say so check back later tonight with a bit of a thank you card to the amazing rent fans and supporters...

I love you guys..Smiles and keep safe

Gimp Master Jay
(Harley Jay)

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