Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Attack of the Snickerdoodle Cookies....

I started eating these little gems (Snickerdoodle Cookies) a few nights ago. Then i had a few more the next night and last night topped it off with 5 in a row. (These cookies are not small) this morning I woke up and had 4 more. Needless to say I might be all Snickerdoodled out for a day or two. But I realized that's the super cool part about being an adult. I can eat these bad boys anytime I want and as much as I want and no one can really tell me I can't! That being said my mom was always happy if I ate anything at all so she usually was the one passing me another cookie to begin with. My moms a bad ass by the way!

I'm finally back on stage! I hadn't been apart of a stage show since the days of New York City and the Rent cast and finally the time has come where I got back up there! I'm doing Schoolhouse Rock Live Too! I boycotted it at first I'll admit... But this thing is awesome! The cast is awesome, the show is awesome, my director is awesome, the experience is awesome...

And I've realized thats what life should be about, being apart of something awesome. Making something awesome, learning because of something awesome!

The show is playing at Greenway Court Theater in Los Angeles and not to pat myself or the cast/show on the back but we have been honored as "Critics Choice" in the LA Times! Hard work pays off ladies and gentlemen :-)

Do you Twitter cause I'm addicted...


Thank you all for the incredibly nice things you've said about my new photos. I'm not a fan of getting pictures taken because I feel like I usually stand awkward and look out of place so thank you for the very encouraging words and sweet comments, gosh I've got good friends.

Wanna hang out on FaceBook? Become a Fan at:


This was a super scattered little message but I didn't want you all to think I forgot about you. I do want to fill you in though that even if for some reason I don't do something like this for 5 years straight I'll never forget about you! Thank you so much for sticking with me! Let's grow old together :-)

Without Wax,
Harley Jay


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I love your blogs!!! very good. Have fun with your show. Congrats on getting the Critics Choice in the LA Times!!! Super excited for you!
Much Love!

Marla said...

Thanks for the update Harley!!! Congrats on the show getting Critics Choice!!! Glad your enjoying it as well, wish I was a west coaster so I could see it but its all good.

Anyways hope all is well and I really enjoy reading your twitter updates, they put a smile on my face :)
