Monday, March 9, 2009

We've Got Work To Do...

First of all if you haven't noticed, my favorite computer vernacular has got to be "..." I don't know why. I feel like I usually finish my thoughts but maybe I need to think about it on a different level somewhere else.

Moving on... <--- {That one was on purpose}

Ok, I am going to make some time of virtual, online, computer linked, deal with you.
I think I mentioned in my last little note to all of you that I've been doing my best to write new material. Well, I'd like to include you in this venture of mine to get on the path of inspiration again. Starting March 16th 2009 every week I'm going to post a song on this Blog site. I'm not going to promise it will be good, I'm not going to promise it will be done, I'm not going to promise it will be country or rap, or folk, or hip hop, or opera, or even some type of a polka but it will be music that I wrote recorded, and put together. What I'm saying is every new week I'm going to put out a song. A song I have been working on for the entire week prior. I probably wont post an entire song... but I'll do my best to get out a verse and a chorus at least. Just something new and different and fun to listen to.

The real purpose of this is not only to give you guys something else to attach to your ear, but a real chance to create. No rules, no prior thoughts, no worries... Just create, and make, and do. Get out and say something everyone can understand, by that I mean everyone can speak "music" no matter what. I love that idea! We might not all understand exactly what it's saying, or why, or have the same thoughts on the circumstances but we can all speak it. So let's talk.

Hears another thing...
I've heard addiction is bad but, I have to admit one to all of you. If you're a fan of FaceBook you already know about "Status Updates" maybe you're a frequent updater. I always enjoyed the Status part of FaceBook. So I was told by a very good best friend of mine about "Twitter." The purpose of Twitter is nothing but Status updating. I LOVE THIS IDEA. It's basically a two sentence journal entry that could be documented at any point in your day. Plus they have an app for the iPhoen called TwitterFon, to make things that much easier on you.

That's where you go if you want to hang with me on Twitter! It'll change your life... {exaggeration but seriously it's very cool}

Ok... Check back in soon, I'll be back but make sure your here stating next week and I'll be droppin some songs on you. :-)

Be safe, be well, be happy, be grateful, be honest, be real, be inspired, be kind, and enjoy yourself.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome blog Harley!!! I always enjoy reading blog posts from you! Thats awesome your writing new music, I can't wait to hear it!! I know it will be amazing.


Anonymous said...

Love it Harley! I love reading your blogs. That is really cool that you are writing new music. Can't wait to hear it!
Much Love!

Unknown said...

Hey Harley, Happy Birthday!