Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Just You and Me...

So this week begins the first week of the "music sharing game" maybe we'll call it MSG... Even though MSG is usually a bad thing hopefully we'll come up with something brilliant and it will give a new meaning for the acronym... But what ever the letters are, or whatever you want to call this little experiment check in NEXT Sunday and I'll have posted a new tune for you all to critique the snot out of :-)

On another music front, I did a radio interview back in February and the Azrizona music Cafe was cool enough to post the interview (actually the entire show) online for all to listen to incase you missed it. Click the link to go straight to the interview. I'm about 3/4 of the way thru the interview... I use up about the last 15 or 20 minutes... :-)

Set List:
Stuff Packed Up
The Boy Next Door
The Moment You Get Back

HarleyJay Interview

Also there are photos of the interview and other fun stuff on the site so go here to check all of that out:


Also during that time I did an interview on Channel 3 Good Morning Arizona. It was crazy, crazy, waaaay too early but I had a great time playing the show. I'll post that up on YouTube today and add the video in another post tonight so check back again later tonight before you hit the sack and that should be up and running.

Lastly, you guys are great and wonderful and thank you ALL so much for making my birthday the best ever. I was flooded with love and best wishes and it was all because of you so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Without Wax,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I can't wait for the new music. I can't wait to hear it. I love reading your blogs, they make me smile.
Much Love!