Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's and and what the Hell are you doing?

Let's recap on everything very quickly...

-It's 4 in the morning...
-I haven't written one of these in like 4 months or some crap...
-Resolution time because the New Year is just around the block...
-Can't wait for Christmas because I love it...
-So far I've missed the Flu (knock on wood) and that makes me VERY happy because I get that damn virus every single freaking year...
-I'm watching Friends DvDs and have been for the last ohhhh 2 hours... I'd rather do something productive and noisy like blast the radio or play guitar and sing at the top of my lungs but I am trying to respect the fact that like I said, it's 4 in the morning...

So let's play a game. I'll tell you things I really love and maybe spout of a few New Years Resolutions as well as one thing I've learned I absolutely despise and we can see if we all agree or disagree or if we can agree to disagree... and I'd love to hear what your New Year Goals are if you've got them, if you don't I totally suggest you come up with at least 2 or 3 even if they are things like brush my teeth everyday... Love it...

-Write, Write, Write... (I have learned this past year that I LOVE to write music and I'd like to continue that but I'd also like to write other things, poems, plays, maybe try spouting off a musical or something)
-Watching less TV... (Honestly I don't think I watch TV very much anyway but check out what I discovered. If you watch TV every single day for 2 hours a day you've watched over 700 hours of TV in that year alone. OVER 700 HOURS OF TV!! Now I'm sure a lot of you are saying "Dude who watches 2 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY? Well maybe you don't watch every day but there are days when you don't and then days when you might watch 3 hours or more. But if you can manage to only watch 2 hours of TV 3 or four times a week then you cut that number (700) in half!! Imagine all the crap you could learn, discover, get good at, reflect on, earn, whatever with an extra 300-400 hours of your life back!!! Holy crap!)
-Eat right. (I've got a sweet tooth... I have had days where I have woken up and had gummy bears, orange juice and a snickers bar for breakfast then I don't eat again for another 6 hours and I'll have an apple, some water and Ju Ju Bees or something... I wish I were joking, needless to say, I need to eat MUCH better)
-Retuning messages, that goes for text, voice, email, smoke flares whatever. (I suck at responding back to anything, I suck at it bad, I don't want to suck at that anymore)

Ok so there's a few I've got a list that's WAAAY too long but I feel like you gotta dream big to be big so go for the gold and better yourself. Anyone else have any?

Ok I know this is getting long... So I'll try and make this one quick. I told you I'd tell you about a thing I discovered that I despise... I will try and make sure this doesn't end on a negative note by the way...
I can not stand the word "Bored." Just typing the crappy word makes me want to stab the computer screen with a pencil. Bored is a term I wish never existed. Now I understand you can't always have something to do to keep your mind totally occupied but please at least do SOMETHING to entertain yourself. Even if it's imagining what it would the world would be like if grass were Tie Die and humans mouths were actually in the palm of your hand and still the way we greeted each other was with a hand shake how awkward would that be. Ok so the thing is I feel like if your bored you just need to figure out a way to expand your normal pattern of life or thinking or dreaming or whatever. So my task for all of you this year is to never ever be bored, and if you are... try not be anymore :-)

Lastly (I promise I'm trying to wrap this up but it's still very early and I never go to sleep)
My band (who's name happens to be Harley Jay) got asked to perform with James Otto and Travis Tritt on Valentines Day this coming year (2009) we're totally excited. It'll be a really really cool party/show and I'm really excited to share the stage with those guys so we'll see if I can hold my own up there for 30 minutes. :-) I want to invite all of you to come if you're in the Scottsdale, Az area. But if you wont be able to be there and you still want to shout out to them your support, be there pals on MySpace. If you do, it'll make me look good and I'll love you forever :-) Head over to...............

HERE-----> http://www.myspace.com/saturdaynightspecialscottsdale

Which is the myspace site for the show itself and add 'em up. Who doesn't love having new friends? Try adding a new one to YOUR life.

Ok everyone you're wonderful, beautiful, special, and amazing and I'll be back soon. Stay warm, stay safe, be happy, make goals, dream big and keep in touch!

Without Wax,



Anonymous said...

I never sleep over - especially at university. I'll be lying in bed with my computer, or hanging out in a friend's room and it'll be 4am, but I'm not tired? Then I think, "Shit, I have class in 4.5 hours." then I go watch Invader Zim or something to try and fry my brain ... but it still doesn't work.

As for the New Year's Resolution things, yours are really good ones.
Writing more will just make the world a better place, and me very happy, so - DO IT NOW!
The tv thing is admirable, but perhaps impossible. I assume you probably have the tv on just for background noise - does that count as watching it? And what if you're watching something like MythBusters - which is awesome and gives your brain a workout? Is it really so bad to watch a couple of hours of that every day? Or something like Planet Earth?
And, inevitably, the diet thing. I eat as poorly as your do, so, don't feel too bad. I had two pieces of Toberlone and a bottle of water for breakfast the other day. Kind of gross.
In conclusion - because this comment is becoming as long as your post - New Year's Resolutions are great ... but I hardly ever see anyone following them through the whole year, so I don't make them.



Anonymous said...

4 am notes are easily some of most thought out notes ever, its odd sometimes.
I typically forget to make resolutions but your blog reminded me that it probably wouldn't be a bad idea (to write, watch less tv, and eat better)! I don't watch to much tv compared to some people I know, but I have been terrible about writing this year. And food well, I'm cursed with my italian heritage and I eat too much bread. I think the resolution should be don't eat as much bread for me. That sounds about right.
as I write the word bored right now I am starting to understand your disgust. But without the word we wouldn't know how much we don't like it, so I guess it has a purpose. The tie-die grass and mouth greeting hands made me laugh, no better way to expand the imagination then such a world!
Good Luck at your gig! Hope you can come back to la soon (maybe an all ages gig?).

Anonymous said...

oh harley at times we all suck at responding to things people send us. resolutions???

1) Read more. Unfortunatly being a history major along with political science and religion I do read but I don't get to read a lot of what I want to read. Like take for example this book the faith club about three women of different faiths I was reading it all summer and haven't read anymore until today so I need to make time to read!
2) And this is kinda odd but I have decided that I really want to start like a group that will ultimatley propose that video conferencing be the first way to conduct government bussiness that is done now by flying privet jets all over the place. (I also want to start a model united nations club at my university)
3) Pray more and be more thankful

And I agree there are plenty things people can do to not be bored. I love listening to music and creating videos or performances of them in my head! Which is also a resolution because I often complain I have o time but I do I just don't always spend it well . . .

anyways hope you have an awesome performance even though I can't go. One day though, one day . . .
samantha clements

Anonymous said...

Hey Harley,
I can't beleive you stayed up till 4 in the morning!! But I guess it was something productive to do. I don't know about making New Years Resolution. I should make one, but IDK. I'm listening to Charlie Brown Theme Song on the radio and I'm thinking of you everyday.
Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.
Keep in touch.
Much Love.

April said...

Seriously, I laughed so hard at..."Even if it's imagining what it would the world would be like if grass were Tie Die and humans mouths were actually in the palm of your hand and still the way we greeted each other was with a hand shake how awkward would that be." I haven't laughed like that in a long time. :)

New Year Resolutions...hmmm, I probably have to many to list or that you would want to hear so I'll name a few. On the top of the list would be eat better. Then comes make more time for myself, I usually get pushed to the bottom of the to do list. Next would be learn piano, something I've always wanted to do, but always say it'll never happen. I'd like to make it happen this year! To cut it short my last one would probably be to make a choice about this mess I'm in right now. Make a decision and stick with it! Oh, and I'd also like to write more and try not to use the word bored. :)

I wish I could be at the show in Az, but thats what I get for living in the middle of no where. Too far from NYC and too far from Az or LA. Go figure! I know you'll be great and I look forward to hopefully seeing you sometime. Another blog tv show would be awesome! Or you could just make a trip to Indiana (or as I call it the middle of nowhere). :)


Anonymous said...

Up at 4 am? That even beats me... I usually crash by 3 at the latest...once I realize that I have class in the morning and should probably get some sleep...

Anyways...my resolutions... well I guess eating better would have to be on there...I've had a bag of M&Ms and a coke for breakfast on a regular basis... so my resolution is to get up in time to have a real breakfast before I go to class. (which means the up at 3 in the morning thing will probably have to stop for me too...maybe I should make that a resolution too...)
I want to write more too... I used to write all the time..stories, poems...random blogs...but I just haven't had time...and it sucks because I've had time now that I'm on winter break and I've felt a lot less stressed because I've been writing again. (and to be not stressed while having to work at Panera Bread is an amazing concept...)
I guess my last resolution is to be able to take time for myself more. I'm always running around non-stop...and it pushes me to the point where on days where I actually have nothing going on, I sleep...all day... I need to slow down and let myself just relax...it would probably help my stress level...and maybe cut down on being up late finishing stuff! (and that gets that problem out of the way too...)

I wish I could come to your show...but I live in Nowhere's ville Ohio (as I call it).... maybe you could play a show out here? :) Good luck at your show though!
