Right now I'm listening to the band INXS. If you've never heard INXS you need to. I'm going to give you an assignment.
First purchase (don't steal it from Limewire or Kazaa or whatever pay the 99 cents kids I promise you wont go broke) the song called "What You Need."
Next turn your speakers up dude, I'm talking loud too none of this I might get in trouble or wake the room mates crap... Turn it up!
Now press play. (If you're using iTunes just hit the space bar, it turns out to be the most magical button)
Next listen to this song and while you listen (this is where it gets tricky but SOO much fun) picture in your mind a high school prom type situation. With every single kid from you school including the losers you hate, the jocks, the stuck up slutty girls, the football knob heads, the hot girl/boy that sit next to you in Chemistry, you get the idea. All of them are dressed to the nines, Tuxes, sparkly dresses, halter tops, strapless, suspenders, shinny shoes, flowers in there hair, disco ball, crazy lights, all that jazz, I mean really picture this stuff!
Now listen to this song and give each and every person you can picture from your school their own little 5 second dance solo, and just imagine what they would look like when they take the floor... If you do this right I promise you you'll start cracking up... I tried it today (can you tell how much time I have) and dug it. I had a good time. Especially in the drum solo type part like 1:50 into the song. At 1:57 picture the slutty girl and her boyfriend bumpin and grindin' in front of everyone like the world owes them something and you can form any opinion you want from there on out. Fun game Fun Game.
Now... Here's something you don't need to write home about but can if you want....
I'm officially back in LA and now have to take a bit of time to warm up to this place again I think. I miss the city and really started to love it there the last few months I had. UPDATE: My Album is done! Or at least my part is done, no more music playing, no more writing (for this one) no more vocals, no we are in the mixing, and engineering phase along with art work and packaging. But I will say (and this is official) this bad boy will be out and ready to go for you all to hear by the last week in July. THE LAST WEEK OF JULY IT'S ALL YOURS. And if I do say so myself, I like, I'm proud of it, it sounds cool, and I dig it so I hope you do too.
I had a gig here a few weeks back. It was... Interesting. My Buddy David and I played and sang we had a good time, lots of people showed which was wicked, but we still have A LOT of work to do and I'm excited about that, the only place to go from here is up up and away!! Yay! We'll keep playing keep working and the next one will be much smoother I think.
Ok I'm long winded and I don't mean to be. Go to sleep, eat a sandwich, finish your summer school homework, walk the dog, kiss your mom and tell her you love her. Be good and Keep safe.
Without Wax,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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1 comment:
Hey Harley It's Jenni. You should really put up more blogs. I would love you forever. So please put more blogs, we want to see what's going on with your life so far.
You did awesome in Tempe.
Good Luck!
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