Let's recap on everything very quickly...
-It's 4 in the morning...
-I haven't written one of these in like 4 months or some crap...
-Resolution time because the New Year is just around the block...
-Can't wait for Christmas because I love it...
-So far I've missed the Flu (knock on wood) and that makes me VERY happy because I get that damn virus every single freaking year...
-I'm watching Friends DvDs and have been for the last ohhhh 2 hours... I'd rather do something productive and noisy like blast the radio or play guitar and sing at the top of my lungs but I am trying to respect the fact that like I said, it's 4 in the morning...
So let's play a game. I'll tell you things I really love and maybe spout of a few New Years Resolutions as well as one thing I've learned I absolutely despise and we can see if we all agree or disagree or if we can agree to disagree... and I'd love to hear what your New Year Goals are if you've got them, if you don't I totally suggest you come up with at least 2 or 3 even if they are things like brush my teeth everyday... Love it...
-Write, Write, Write... (I have learned this past year that I LOVE to write music and I'd like to continue that but I'd also like to write other things, poems, plays, maybe try spouting off a musical or something)
-Watching less TV... (Honestly I don't think I watch TV very much anyway but check out what I discovered. If you watch TV every single day for 2 hours a day you've watched over 700 hours of TV in that year alone. OVER 700 HOURS OF TV!! Now I'm sure a lot of you are saying "Dude who watches 2 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY? Well maybe you don't watch every day but there are days when you don't and then days when you might watch 3 hours or more. But if you can manage to only watch 2 hours of TV 3 or four times a week then you cut that number (700) in half!! Imagine all the crap you could learn, discover, get good at, reflect on, earn, whatever with an extra 300-400 hours of your life back!!! Holy crap!)
-Eat right. (I've got a sweet tooth... I have had days where I have woken up and had gummy bears, orange juice and a snickers bar for breakfast then I don't eat again for another 6 hours and I'll have an apple, some water and Ju Ju Bees or something... I wish I were joking, needless to say, I need to eat MUCH better)
-Retuning messages, that goes for text, voice, email, smoke flares whatever. (I suck at responding back to anything, I suck at it bad, I don't want to suck at that anymore)
Ok so there's a few I've got a list that's WAAAY too long but I feel like you gotta dream big to be big so go for the gold and better yourself. Anyone else have any?
Ok I know this is getting long... So I'll try and make this one quick. I told you I'd tell you about a thing I discovered that I despise... I will try and make sure this doesn't end on a negative note by the way...
I can not stand the word "Bored." Just typing the crappy word makes me want to stab the computer screen with a pencil. Bored is a term I wish never existed. Now I understand you can't always have something to do to keep your mind totally occupied but please at least do SOMETHING to entertain yourself. Even if it's imagining what it would the world would be like if grass were Tie Die and humans mouths were actually in the palm of your hand and still the way we greeted each other was with a hand shake how awkward would that be. Ok so the thing is I feel like if your bored you just need to figure out a way to expand your normal pattern of life or thinking or dreaming or whatever. So my task for all of you this year is to never ever be bored, and if you are... try not be anymore :-)
Lastly (I promise I'm trying to wrap this up but it's still very early and I never go to sleep)
My band (who's name happens to be Harley Jay) got asked to perform with James Otto and Travis Tritt on Valentines Day this coming year (2009) we're totally excited. It'll be a really really cool party/show and I'm really excited to share the stage with those guys so we'll see if I can hold my own up there for 30 minutes. :-) I want to invite all of you to come if you're in the Scottsdale, Az area. But if you wont be able to be there and you still want to shout out to them your support, be there pals on MySpace. If you do, it'll make me look good and I'll love you forever :-) Head over to...............
Which is the myspace site for the show itself and add 'em up. Who doesn't love having new friends? Try adding a new one to YOUR life.
Ok everyone you're wonderful, beautiful, special, and amazing and I'll be back soon. Stay warm, stay safe, be happy, make goals, dream big and keep in touch!
Without Wax,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
News, Radio, Video, Music... That'll do...
Long time no see!!!
First off I wanted to share a little video with you all. I'd post it on here but don't have a straight up copy of my own so you'll have to head over to the URL to check it out. But since my record came out I've lucked out with an incredible response from people and I could have never guessed in my wildest dreams it would be running like it is. I'm honored. But I had the chance to play "Stuff Packed" and "The Moment You Get Back" on a radio station live in Az, and was fortunate enough at the same time, to have the news do a story on local music. It was very cool to sort of grab two things at once like that so if you have any interest in watching the news story and hear a clip of the songs you are more than welcome to head over to......
The other groups on the show were very talented and very cool kat and it was a pleasure sharing the time with all of you. :-)
Also on the music streak, I had my CD release party in Az and I don't mean to pat myself on the back but I'll be honest and say I had one of the best times on a stage that I've ever had in my entire life. I couldn't enjoy my band anymore and I couldn't be more blessed to have so many people come out to support me. The turn out was fantastic and the energy from the people in the room was incredible. We were able to play the entire record which was fantastic and then because of the audience lucked out with a one song encore. I was floored at the encore thing and too be honest a bit freaked out to play one incase it sucked big time but I think it came off alright :-) During the set I did a cover of Wonderwall by Oasis which was new and fun for me so I think I just might play it a few more times more :-)
To get a little on a personal note, and I understand I'm not your parents or grand parents or brothers and sisters, your church leader, best friend, school teacher, drama teacher or anyone else of a higher substance but I wanted to briefly say a few things. I am very lucky to hear from lots of you guys on a daily basis, why I deserve that honor I don't think I'll ever quite understand. But I am always so excited to hear from you and hear about your new shows you're in, or contests you've won, or the fact you just bought a new dog that you love to death, or even the hard time in your life with sickness, or career struggles, or school problems or whatever the case may be so thank you so much for letting me share in either a troubled time or a wonderful time in your life.
I feel like in the world especially right now, people are constantly saying NO or You could never do that, or that's not real life, or get your head out of the clouds and to be frank, I'm totally sick and tired of that crap. I also feel like somewhere down the line it got uncool to ask questions... Where the hell did that come from? So I'm here to tell all of you in the best way I know how without trying to sound like your parents or grand parents or high school counselor, you seriously can be anything you want. I swear on my heartbeat you can. It might not come immediately or even in the time you think it should but I swear if you keep it in your mind and you keep working for it, you can be anything in the entire world. I swear. And I feel like a great way to get to that place is to ask questions. If you don't understand something, ask... Who cares if you didn't know, so what... And if you get laughed at or made fun of for asking the question just know that at one point the person laughing didn't know the answer either. They were in the same boat as you at one time so they can just get over it. I think a lot of these reality shows like "Americans Most Smartest Model" and "The Real World" have made it look uncool to ask questions but when it really comes down to it, you can only talk about what you already know, so when people shut up and listen and ask questions can you imagine how much more you would learn about. And you know what, it just might be the shit you actually want to know about. So after all that I just hope you all understand no matter what age you are no matter where you are in your life no matter what kind of family life you have or don't have no matter your financial status, your looks, your smarts, your personality no matter what... you can be anything you want, and it's ok to ask questions. Go for it. Ask away. And if someone laughs at you, spit on them :-) No don't do that cause seriously thats gross but screw them, who cares if they laugh, karma's a bitch sometimes so that will come back around... maybe while they are laughing they will choke on their own tongue... Who knows...
I hope this didn't come off preachy but I think sometimes I need to say stuff to you guys just so I don't forget about it all myself. Thank you for listening and reading. Thank you for excepting me, thank you for being my friend.
Without Wax,
First off I wanted to share a little video with you all. I'd post it on here but don't have a straight up copy of my own so you'll have to head over to the URL to check it out. But since my record came out I've lucked out with an incredible response from people and I could have never guessed in my wildest dreams it would be running like it is. I'm honored. But I had the chance to play "Stuff Packed" and "The Moment You Get Back" on a radio station live in Az, and was fortunate enough at the same time, to have the news do a story on local music. It was very cool to sort of grab two things at once like that so if you have any interest in watching the news story and hear a clip of the songs you are more than welcome to head over to......
The other groups on the show were very talented and very cool kat and it was a pleasure sharing the time with all of you. :-)
Also on the music streak, I had my CD release party in Az and I don't mean to pat myself on the back but I'll be honest and say I had one of the best times on a stage that I've ever had in my entire life. I couldn't enjoy my band anymore and I couldn't be more blessed to have so many people come out to support me. The turn out was fantastic and the energy from the people in the room was incredible. We were able to play the entire record which was fantastic and then because of the audience lucked out with a one song encore. I was floored at the encore thing and too be honest a bit freaked out to play one incase it sucked big time but I think it came off alright :-) During the set I did a cover of Wonderwall by Oasis which was new and fun for me so I think I just might play it a few more times more :-)
To get a little on a personal note, and I understand I'm not your parents or grand parents or brothers and sisters, your church leader, best friend, school teacher, drama teacher or anyone else of a higher substance but I wanted to briefly say a few things. I am very lucky to hear from lots of you guys on a daily basis, why I deserve that honor I don't think I'll ever quite understand. But I am always so excited to hear from you and hear about your new shows you're in, or contests you've won, or the fact you just bought a new dog that you love to death, or even the hard time in your life with sickness, or career struggles, or school problems or whatever the case may be so thank you so much for letting me share in either a troubled time or a wonderful time in your life.
I feel like in the world especially right now, people are constantly saying NO or You could never do that, or that's not real life, or get your head out of the clouds and to be frank, I'm totally sick and tired of that crap. I also feel like somewhere down the line it got uncool to ask questions... Where the hell did that come from? So I'm here to tell all of you in the best way I know how without trying to sound like your parents or grand parents or high school counselor, you seriously can be anything you want. I swear on my heartbeat you can. It might not come immediately or even in the time you think it should but I swear if you keep it in your mind and you keep working for it, you can be anything in the entire world. I swear. And I feel like a great way to get to that place is to ask questions. If you don't understand something, ask... Who cares if you didn't know, so what... And if you get laughed at or made fun of for asking the question just know that at one point the person laughing didn't know the answer either. They were in the same boat as you at one time so they can just get over it. I think a lot of these reality shows like "Americans Most Smartest Model" and "The Real World" have made it look uncool to ask questions but when it really comes down to it, you can only talk about what you already know, so when people shut up and listen and ask questions can you imagine how much more you would learn about. And you know what, it just might be the shit you actually want to know about. So after all that I just hope you all understand no matter what age you are no matter where you are in your life no matter what kind of family life you have or don't have no matter your financial status, your looks, your smarts, your personality no matter what... you can be anything you want, and it's ok to ask questions. Go for it. Ask away. And if someone laughs at you, spit on them :-) No don't do that cause seriously thats gross but screw them, who cares if they laugh, karma's a bitch sometimes so that will come back around... maybe while they are laughing they will choke on their own tongue... Who knows...
I hope this didn't come off preachy but I think sometimes I need to say stuff to you guys just so I don't forget about it all myself. Thank you for listening and reading. Thank you for excepting me, thank you for being my friend.
Without Wax,
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sexton, Avenue, Wax Free, John Mayer, Jen Aniston, and Me
I thought it was time to come back to the fun blog site.
For some reason MySpace starts to get a little impersonal feeling for me so I have to move on to new places. Since the site has been pretty much completely re-done I figure I need to use it much more than I actually do. I like it here. The space is bigger and not nearly as visually busy. I realize it's a little out of the way from MySpace but hopefully just one click.
Let's get it started then...
If you haven't yet there are two things you need to check out this week... Psych there are three...
(1) Martin Sexton "Live Wide Open" he's got a very Jack Black sort of look and at times sounds like him even. He's a SICK guitar player and writes some of the greatest, Blues, Folk, Acoustic Trio stuff I've ever heard. I am completely addicted and have been for a few days now. Anyway check out that record and listen to "BEAST IN ME" the best part starts right about 2:10 into it and goes for about 2 minutes after, but the entire tune is great... ANGELINE is another one to check out.
(2) Boyce Ave. (check them out on YouTube... THE BOMB! I will admit I haven't paid as much attention to their original stuff as I have their cover tunes but they do some of the best covers of pop and R n B tunes I've heard in a long time. They do a cover of 4 minutes by JT and Madonna that is sicker than ritz bitz (which I love) and you need to check them out.
(3) ME... CHECK ME OUT :-) "Without Wax" is here and ready to go. Thank you ALL of those who have already picked it up from the site, you guys are my hero's for life I swear. The rest of you GET ON IT!! You can listen to the entire record on teh site if you'd like before you buy it.. but just buy it!! :-)
I need to comment on the John and Jen thing...
They broke up, WTF... Come on now guys, I supported that and I never give two craps about celeb. gossip relationship crud. But I couldn't help but pat my boy John on the back when I heard the news of him and Former Pitt... It's a sad day in Hollywood folks :-)
Here is one of Boyce Ave. Bleeding Love - Originally performed by Leona Lewis...
For some reason MySpace starts to get a little impersonal feeling for me so I have to move on to new places. Since the site has been pretty much completely re-done I figure I need to use it much more than I actually do. I like it here. The space is bigger and not nearly as visually busy. I realize it's a little out of the way from MySpace but hopefully just one click.
Let's get it started then...
If you haven't yet there are two things you need to check out this week... Psych there are three...
(1) Martin Sexton "Live Wide Open" he's got a very Jack Black sort of look and at times sounds like him even. He's a SICK guitar player and writes some of the greatest, Blues, Folk, Acoustic Trio stuff I've ever heard. I am completely addicted and have been for a few days now. Anyway check out that record and listen to "BEAST IN ME" the best part starts right about 2:10 into it and goes for about 2 minutes after, but the entire tune is great... ANGELINE is another one to check out.
(2) Boyce Ave. (check them out on YouTube... THE BOMB! I will admit I haven't paid as much attention to their original stuff as I have their cover tunes but they do some of the best covers of pop and R n B tunes I've heard in a long time. They do a cover of 4 minutes by JT and Madonna that is sicker than ritz bitz (which I love) and you need to check them out.
(3) ME... CHECK ME OUT :-) "Without Wax" is here and ready to go. Thank you ALL of those who have already picked it up from the site, you guys are my hero's for life I swear. The rest of you GET ON IT!! You can listen to the entire record on teh site if you'd like before you buy it.. but just buy it!! :-)
I need to comment on the John and Jen thing...
They broke up, WTF... Come on now guys, I supported that and I never give two craps about celeb. gossip relationship crud. But I couldn't help but pat my boy John on the back when I heard the news of him and Former Pitt... It's a sad day in Hollywood folks :-)
Here is one of Boyce Ave. Bleeding Love - Originally performed by Leona Lewis...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
INXS and I's Play Date
Right now I'm listening to the band INXS. If you've never heard INXS you need to. I'm going to give you an assignment.
First purchase (don't steal it from Limewire or Kazaa or whatever pay the 99 cents kids I promise you wont go broke) the song called "What You Need."
Next turn your speakers up dude, I'm talking loud too none of this I might get in trouble or wake the room mates crap... Turn it up!
Now press play. (If you're using iTunes just hit the space bar, it turns out to be the most magical button)
Next listen to this song and while you listen (this is where it gets tricky but SOO much fun) picture in your mind a high school prom type situation. With every single kid from you school including the losers you hate, the jocks, the stuck up slutty girls, the football knob heads, the hot girl/boy that sit next to you in Chemistry, you get the idea. All of them are dressed to the nines, Tuxes, sparkly dresses, halter tops, strapless, suspenders, shinny shoes, flowers in there hair, disco ball, crazy lights, all that jazz, I mean really picture this stuff!
Now listen to this song and give each and every person you can picture from your school their own little 5 second dance solo, and just imagine what they would look like when they take the floor... If you do this right I promise you you'll start cracking up... I tried it today (can you tell how much time I have) and dug it. I had a good time. Especially in the drum solo type part like 1:50 into the song. At 1:57 picture the slutty girl and her boyfriend bumpin and grindin' in front of everyone like the world owes them something and you can form any opinion you want from there on out. Fun game Fun Game.
Now... Here's something you don't need to write home about but can if you want....
I'm officially back in LA and now have to take a bit of time to warm up to this place again I think. I miss the city and really started to love it there the last few months I had. UPDATE: My Album is done! Or at least my part is done, no more music playing, no more writing (for this one) no more vocals, no we are in the mixing, and engineering phase along with art work and packaging. But I will say (and this is official) this bad boy will be out and ready to go for you all to hear by the last week in July. THE LAST WEEK OF JULY IT'S ALL YOURS. And if I do say so myself, I like, I'm proud of it, it sounds cool, and I dig it so I hope you do too.
I had a gig here a few weeks back. It was... Interesting. My Buddy David and I played and sang we had a good time, lots of people showed which was wicked, but we still have A LOT of work to do and I'm excited about that, the only place to go from here is up up and away!! Yay! We'll keep playing keep working and the next one will be much smoother I think.
Ok I'm long winded and I don't mean to be. Go to sleep, eat a sandwich, finish your summer school homework, walk the dog, kiss your mom and tell her you love her. Be good and Keep safe.
Without Wax,
First purchase (don't steal it from Limewire or Kazaa or whatever pay the 99 cents kids I promise you wont go broke) the song called "What You Need."
Next turn your speakers up dude, I'm talking loud too none of this I might get in trouble or wake the room mates crap... Turn it up!
Now press play. (If you're using iTunes just hit the space bar, it turns out to be the most magical button)
Next listen to this song and while you listen (this is where it gets tricky but SOO much fun) picture in your mind a high school prom type situation. With every single kid from you school including the losers you hate, the jocks, the stuck up slutty girls, the football knob heads, the hot girl/boy that sit next to you in Chemistry, you get the idea. All of them are dressed to the nines, Tuxes, sparkly dresses, halter tops, strapless, suspenders, shinny shoes, flowers in there hair, disco ball, crazy lights, all that jazz, I mean really picture this stuff!
Now listen to this song and give each and every person you can picture from your school their own little 5 second dance solo, and just imagine what they would look like when they take the floor... If you do this right I promise you you'll start cracking up... I tried it today (can you tell how much time I have) and dug it. I had a good time. Especially in the drum solo type part like 1:50 into the song. At 1:57 picture the slutty girl and her boyfriend bumpin and grindin' in front of everyone like the world owes them something and you can form any opinion you want from there on out. Fun game Fun Game.
Now... Here's something you don't need to write home about but can if you want....
I'm officially back in LA and now have to take a bit of time to warm up to this place again I think. I miss the city and really started to love it there the last few months I had. UPDATE: My Album is done! Or at least my part is done, no more music playing, no more writing (for this one) no more vocals, no we are in the mixing, and engineering phase along with art work and packaging. But I will say (and this is official) this bad boy will be out and ready to go for you all to hear by the last week in July. THE LAST WEEK OF JULY IT'S ALL YOURS. And if I do say so myself, I like, I'm proud of it, it sounds cool, and I dig it so I hope you do too.
I had a gig here a few weeks back. It was... Interesting. My Buddy David and I played and sang we had a good time, lots of people showed which was wicked, but we still have A LOT of work to do and I'm excited about that, the only place to go from here is up up and away!! Yay! We'll keep playing keep working and the next one will be much smoother I think.
Ok I'm long winded and I don't mean to be. Go to sleep, eat a sandwich, finish your summer school homework, walk the dog, kiss your mom and tell her you love her. Be good and Keep safe.
Without Wax,
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