It's a bit hard for me to explain what is happening here.
It's a very mixed feeling.
Sometimes I feel like everyone just needs to get over themselves and move on, stagehands, producers, actors, directors... whatever.
It's hard to really speak your piece about this entire circumstance because you want to support everyone. The stagehands are great guys and girls and the show can not function at all without them. What do I mean by that? The stagehands are (just to name a few) the ones that run the lights, the sound, the fly systems, the costumes, the fair and make up, the dressers, the ones that clean the theater each day, the ones that fix broken props, the ones that move the piano on stage so you can rehearse, the ones collecting the tickets at the door, the ones selling you the tickets.. the list goes on and on...
I'm not going to put my opinion too much into this topic because too be honest it's really not my place to say who is right and who is being unreasonable. It goes both ways. That's what I will say. Both (the stagehands and the producers) have great arguments and both have not so great requests.
What I will say is I know a lot of stagehands that have families, and I know a lot of producers that have families. Both are trying to make money and both are trying to keep their job. Both are loosing out in some way shape or form because of the strike. And that being said so are the Actors, and too be honest it isn't really our fight. We want to support the theater family but we loose out on our paychecks as this continues too.
I don't think I really want to give too much more on this subject, at least in this fashion because honestly I don't really know what to say about it all. My general consensus is very simple though... It Sucks, I just want to perform. Lets fix this all ready.
I agree with you Harley! Yes, family is very important, but which do you support more? Your own (kids, wifes, husbands, parents, ect...) or the ones you work with (stagehands, producers, etc...) You as an actor need to make money to keep your "family" alive, and it's really hard to fight a fight that really isn't yours to begin with you know? I agree with're stuck between a rock and a hard place...when you signed your contract, you in essence promised to help and support your "new family" as much as you can and I can only imagine how hard it is to do that when you don't know if your career/job will even continue!
We're praying for you Harley and everyone in the "RENT family"...all of Broadway for that matter.
i agree with you harley.
i think that if these people really have a love for acting and everything then money and stuff wouldnt matter to them if i was a stage hand i would never go on strike i would be the happies person ever. these people have to realize that =\
I agree with you. It sucks a lot...I hope that it ends really soon adn you get to perform again! *crosses fingers*
What does this mean for those of us who have bought tickets to see you? And where can I get more information about this strike?
Harleym if you see us fans hanging by the theatre these days, we're there supporting you and the actors.
I refuse to take a side with this strike! But I and your fellow cast mates have our support always, and we want to see you perform very soon again as well.
I hope everything will be ok soon! I feel bad for everyone out there. I could understand what you mean when you say that both sides have good arguments.
Just wondering, and I know its on a few of the fans minds, but we don't have to worry about rent closing anytime soon, do we? I hope not, I'm saving my money to see it as a graduation present this summer.
Don't lose hope and keep being great Harley!
No! I refuse the strike! I want you to keep performing. I hope you do. What is the strike about? Is it about Rent closing? NO! I do not want Rent to close.
Don't lose hope.
I'll pray for you.
They're doing the same thing here, Stratford is lucky the season ended.
I hope you guys hold up well despite it all. Good luck, Harley!
Ok, so my opinion is slightly bias due to the fact that I'm an actress myself and I saw you on Nov. 3rd and thought that you were amazing, but as I was saying... I think that the stagehands and the producers should figure something out soon because as long as they are on strike, the actors are out of work which is unfair for audiences.I can see why the stagehands are protesting though. I jsut hope that they work things out soon.
Harley I hope things work out soon. I dont want this to mean bad things for any broadway show...especially Rent. It means so much to so many people.
Keep us posted and good luck!
I was supposed to see you on Saturday but we all know how that went. Anyway, I hope things get resolved soon because I would like to go down and see you again before you leave. It was a crazy sight, one I won't forget ever, especially when its over and I got back and its the way it was.
Good luck, Harley. Hand tight.
That sucks that theres the strike. I feel bad for people who've been saving up to see Rent and the people who are pretty much in the process of losing their jobs. I cant even imagine how you must feel, that must suck that you cant perform for people and such. But I hope everything works out and that Rent and all the other shows will start back up again. As for me, just want to say good luck to you and keep hoping for the best.
By the way, Saturday is the 1 year aniversery from when I saw you in Rent when you were on the touring cast and came to Rochester, NY. Hope I can come to NY and see you again sometime :)
well thats all
peace <3
Due to the shows being cancelled now for another entire week, there are rumors flying that if the strike is not resolved soon, the show will close. Prior to the strike, the attendance was terrible so this is truly a very real possibility. The union guys have to solve their rift among themselves so that this can be resolved. If they're fighting among themselves, how do they hope to ever be able to reach an agreement with the League?
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