Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Opening Nights and More weird S**t in New York

Lets first start with this crap I found outside of the Nederlander Theater...

Yes, I have found Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Sludge Crud outside of the Nederlander Theater. Now this was pretty tempting to play in because I've always been a pretty big fan of those "Mean Green Fightin' Machines" I didn't play in it... But I wanted to I'm not gonna lie.

Also... I have found the love child of Freddie Mercury (Lead Singer of Queen) and Borat on teh Subway of New York City.

Right! RIGHT!!

I think that's all that needs to be said about this kat.

Moving on...
I went to the grocery store and bought Chicken Nuggets. I love Chicken Nuggets. This time I happened to buy some Tyson chicken nuggets and they had all kinds of VegiTales crap all over the package, but I thought VegiTales, (singing dancing wickedly happy cartoon vegetables) that could make eatting so much more fun... Why not!? I get them home I open up the package and check this out...

Now I try and keep my mind out of the gutter as often as possible but come on, perverted chicken. Don't even try and come up with an excuse as to why Tyson made chicken that looks like a penis and boobs... The reason why is because it's supposed to be a childerens food and it's funny to make little kids eat that stuff and have no clue.

Finally, I had my opening night on Broadway! It was wicked fun. I got to do the show with Adam Pascal! Come on, that's bad to the bone, the original big shot... I had a blast. I missed Dec, but had a great time and can't wait to share the stage with my good British friend.
You get the point. I ramble, it's what I do.


April said...

So first of all...your blogs are hularious! Mental note..only buy veggie tale music and not chicken! :) Oh and performing with Adam..WOW!! Would I have loved to see that. You have to elaborate more. Were your nervous? Dumb Qeustion..I would be. Then, your, well, you and have no reason to be nervous! Ok so now Im rambling. Can't wait to see you and Dec on that stage!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha...I can see you playing in that...and then turning into a 'turtle power' performer. Nice.

He does look like Freddie from Queen. That is awesome. Did he break out some "We are the Champions?" If he didn't you should have. Singing on the subway is awesome.

That is some pervited chicken. And with Bob and Larry(yes I know their names) on the package....How rude!

I am so glad your opening night went well. I heard about it on voices for rent and everyone there loved you. Congrats on playing with Adam, but I knew you would say you missed your British friend. "British, what is it about them? Can't live with them or with out them."

take your own advice and keep safe.
Erin from STL.

Anonymous said...

LOL, aren't Veggie Tales those vegetables that sing about Jesus and stuff?

becca said...

I think that it is funny that you had to specify who Freddy Mercury was, sorry BIG queen fan here. Congrats on your opening night I wish that I could have been there, But I will be there to see you with Dec before your run is up. BTW I love the new pic on your myspace page.

Anonymous said...

Everytime i read your blogs i get such a good laugh! and i really needed it today! you didnt disapoint Harley, not one bit!

WOW opening not only on Broadway but with THE Adam Pascal. WOW. I was fortunate enough to go up to NY and see the two originals and I couldnt think of 2 better people to take over their run.

Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Aww, if Freddie had to have a love child with somebody..couldn't it have been somebody GOOD?

The penis-chicken could actually be a pear with a mutated stem..and the boobs could be tomatoes, going with the Veggie Tales theme.

But I don't remember a pear, so perverted chicken it is.

Congrats on Broadway! Doing the show with Adam Pascal must be amazing. My not so inner theater geek is dying, and it had nothing to do with me.

Unknown said...

But keeping your mind out of the gutter isn't any fun.

Anonymous said...

That's Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber,just so you know. :-)

Unknown said...

You would notice that the chicken looked like that. And Tyson chicken nuggets are awesome...lol. Glad your opening night went well. Really hope to get to NY to see you on Broadway while you are there....