Saturday, September 1, 2007

Look Who I Met

So I've only been in New York for like 9 days and have all ready seen/met some of the most interesting people. For example check this guy out:

I got on the subway and for the first time since I've been here actually found a place to sit. I looked straight ahead and this kat was just sitting there in his own little world. I'm not quite sure if he was just resting his eyes or if he was actually asleep because every once in a while he'd mumble something terrific but honestly don't know if it was intentional or just a crazy dream he was having.
But before seeing that dude I went to this place called the Metro Diner on like 100th street or close to it. Anyway I sat down to enjoy some type of diner delight and look who was sittin gabout 8 booths away from me...

I KNOW!!!!!
Is that NOT Jonathan Larsen....
I will say I have seen him, reading the newspaper... He is alive and well and checking up on us all. Now I realize I'm the creppy one that took a secret picture of a perfect stanger and am now posting it on the internet, but this is too sweet to not talk about.
Lastly, some of you know I'm a fan of country music... I wouldn't say ALL country music but I am a huge fan of Keith Urban and Rascal Flatts (which to be honest I think tops my list of country artists, i don't htink I really listen to any other country music besides them but...) Rascal Flatts New ALBUM comes out Sept. 25th.. Umm Yee Ha!

Keep on keepin on and Keep safe Everyone :-)


Anonymous said...

A. That guy totally looks like Jonathan Larson.
B. I am very excited that you like country music-- and I am seeing Rascal Flatts on September 14.

April said...

Oh wow! I was just in NY last weekend and we saw some crazy folk on the subway too! Can you believe how many people sleep there? Weird! I'd be afraid of missing my stop. Oh, by the looks like he caught you taking the picture! ha ha

Thatter4life said...

Hi, Gotta love NYC. I miss it, but will be up to see you and Declan on Nov 3rd. Rascal Flatts is the only country group I listen too as well. Must say something about them.


Anonymous said...

ummm seriously, i saw the first picture and actually said out loud to my roommate, "holy shit, is that jonathan larson?!" and then i scrolled down and saw what you wrote and i died. haha oh my goddd that's insane!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh.
I seriously almost screamed aloud when I saw those pictures...and I got a bit choked up.
Looks so much like Jonathan it's scary.


HeyMrShesMySister said...

OH GOD! I would have gone over to that guy and told him he looks like Johnathon Larson! LOL!