So how'd you do during the first week of 2010?!
I've heard a lot of people say "it's pointless to use the new year as an excuse to make goals and write out resolutions and all that because if you really wanted to complete your goals and resolutions you would make them during the entire year!"
And the people I've hear make this comment have done it with this "tone" almost like they are offended humans would make up time in the first place and then they would even THINK about using a random night during the year to look back at the previous years and think "gosh I wonder if I could do better?"
To all this is say... Yes, you absolutely CAN make resolutions or new goals or whatever during anytime in the year... to me that's so of like a MAJOR BONUS! Why is it a bonus? Because they are your goals, change them during the course of the year amend and expand on them, let them grow let them change and except that! It's a good thing. So To all of you that think making goals during the first week of the new year I say get over your fear of not completing them, get over your fear of "the end result," get over the fear of the scary "what if" situations and bring some motivation and positive light into your life by writing a goal down! It' takes time but feels oh so good!
Ok now enough of me pressuring you to better yourself... I'm gonna talk about other things like shameless self promotion and junk...
First on the list if you aren't on the fan email sign up list... HOP ON THAT GRAVY TRAIN! I'll make it super easy, just copy and click or just click this link...
It takes literally, 18 seconds, less if you type faster than normal!
What do you get for signing up for that bad boy?
Well, I'm gonna hook you up with free new song downloads, acoustic mixes of some old stuff, updates on, new merchandise updates, pictures you've never seen before, contests and games, gig updates, tour information, exclusive videos, FREE stuff I just want to give out, as well as monthly newsletters where I ramble and while you're at work you can at least have something to do for 3 minutes even if all that means is you can make fun of me... I'm OK WITH THAT JUST SIGN UP :-)
Next, I'm playing a FREE show in LA on January 22nd.
Not only is it FREE but it's ALL AGES and not only is it ALL AGES the room I'm playing in is super fun.
This is a fun show because not only will I be playing but two of my greatest friends are as well. David Haack and Phillip Daniel. So what that means is you come to the show on January 22nd at Cafe Muse in LA on Santa Monica at 9pm and walk in the door because it's free, and you can leave your ID at home because it's all ages and watch not one not two but three singer songwriters get their groove on. it'll be 2 hours of music and laughs mixed with some good food and great people. So to break it down...
Cafe Muse in Los Angeles
January 22nd
Starts at 9pm goes until 11pm
See your pretty faces there.
I'm still working on the second record! I want to give you news and updates but the only thing I'm going to give you at this minute are two things and if you keep up with this FaceBook and Twitter thing pretty well then you've already had a taste but don't you fret I'll be pumping out more stuff in the next few days. :-)
But here is a link to a DEMO version of a new tune called "Defenseless From You"
And if you haven't been there yet head over to and listen to "Watch it Burn" both of these tunes will be on the new record so keep an eye out for it!
Wait wait wait! You haven't even heard the old one... !!!
Umm don't worry I'm on iTunes hop on the link and listen up :-)
I'm on Twitter are you?! Let's hang out...
So how about that for information!!! too much information, heck no! Multitasking is something everyone should be good at :-) I'm here to help!
Fan Email Sign Up
New Song "Defenseless From You" DEMO
Acoustic Show This Month at Cafe Muse
Cafe Muse in Los Angeles
January 22nd
Starts at 9pm goes until 11pm
Ok there it is... All the info I HAVE to get out to start the year! But I'll leave you with this...
Every morning before I even brush my teeth I pull out a pad of paper and write down 5 things that I am thankful for from the day before. Simple things, "I'm so grateful I was able to talk to my mom today" because I don't get to talk to her as often as I'd like... "I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to sleep in a bomb ass bed last night, gosh I slept great."
Try it. It literally takes 2 minutes and really does make your day start out in tip top shape. Underneath my 5 things I'm grateful for I write 5 goals I have for that day...
"Get to the grocery store"
"Write a bridge to the song I started yesterday"
"Clean my desk drawer out"
"Call my sister and tell her I think she's awesome"
"Send out 3 CD's to music Managers I'd like to be rep'd with"
Some of those I'll get done and some of them I just wont, I don't plan on not getting them done but if I don't I move them to the next day and my list is 6 or 7 goals long instead of 5...
Create the world you want to live in, be in the world not OF it, and enjoy the journey... I promise you, life might seem hard, but you can make it and complaining will get you no where, smile, things are looking up, and if you feel like this is the worst day you've ever had, the good thing that should make you smile is, you can go no where but UP from here!
Here's to you in 2010 thank you for everything
Without Wax,
Monday, January 11, 2010
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