Saturday, February 28, 2009

Everything is Amazing, Nobody's Happy...

It's about time...

back to normal blogs, none of this "come see my show junk" or "call and bug the snot out of the radio so I keep getting played" blah blah blah. What's up you guys!?

First off, if you have a free 4:12 then check this video out NOW:

I've watched it about 5 times in the last two days and every time not only do I seriously crack up but really start to think about what I take for granted... Then I go, gosh I've got it good! The economy is in the crapper but that doesn't mean we as individuals have to be in one too. It's tough at times to not think "could my life get any worse" I know, but I promise you two things:

(1) Yes, actually it can get worse... So be stoked that it isn't. By that I mean, I don't care if 50 horrible things happen to you in one day, the 51st can come the 52nd could be close to that and the 53rd could be just on the horizon. But you could luck out with the 53rd being the last one before something absolutely breathtakingly fantastic happens.

(2) I'll bet you 9 times out of ten if you talked to people, you would end up realizing you would never want to swap lives with them for 15 minutes. What do I mean? I mean I'll bet a lot of you have bought a Chris Brown record in the last 3 or 4 years. He's busted out on TV, won Grammy's, wrote and worked with some of the best of the best in the music world almost ever to touch an instrument, he's partied on commercials and dated one of the top 50 most beautiful people according to People Magazine, and even had a lead in a feature film I'm sure a lot you had the pleasure of seeing. Now after knowing the things he is going through at this exact time in his life, anyone want to trade? I'm not in anyway saying he did or didn't do anything, because who am I to judge or say that gossip magazines and tabloid junkies know only truth and twist nothing. But, he's going through a rough patch I'll bet right now, which he will crawl out of I'm sure but, I think I'll keep my credit card debit, flat tire, stubbed toe, broken heart, and loss of student body president before I raise my hand to switch places with anyone.

Does that make sense?

I played a show with a little country singer by the name of James Otto this past Valentines Day. I say "a little country singer" because he holds the title for most played song on country radio for 2008 and this year was also nominated for not one but 2 Grammy awards. Needless to say I had a fantastic time! The show was rockin and hands down the biggest show I've ever played with my own music, I think a little over 3,000. Was I nervous? Yep. :-)

I also moved into a new apartment this weekend, it's the bomb!! Much better than my last place so hopefully it sparks some new and unexplainable inspiration for music because i'll fill you in on a little secret... Can you keep a secret...? I've been running dry on the music writing side of my life so I thought maybe if I stop trying to suppress it and express it maybe things will shift for the better. So there we go... That ones between me and you though.

Alright I'm going to get back to the life of taped boxes, heavy lifting, and UHaul, but these will be coming at you much more frequently. Why you ask? I'm cozy now. I can get more done if I'm comfortable, plus I miss you guys. :-) Sleep tight and Goodnight.

Your friend and biggest fan,

Harley Jay