Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Strike Epidemic, Say, & Sporting Goods

The strike on Broadway has officially been going on for 2 weeks. What do I think? How do I feel about that? What could I possibly say that hasn't been said yet? NOTHING! Lets just fix it... and in the words of Forest Gump "That's all I have to say about that." Good grief... :-/ I don't even have pictures of the whole thing because it has been the same pictures for the last 13 days as they were the first, a bunch of people in the freezing cold (most of the time rainy weather, holding coffee and signs and pacing back and forth) in hopes of clearing this up quickly as well.
Onto something a bit happier, or less confusing, or just something else...
If you have a free second I invite you to check out this brilliant piece of work from a guy that I will admit dated my Aunt. Yes my Aunt. Yes I will say once again he dated my Aunt. He plays guitar, sings, writes brilliant music, and dates my Aunt... I mean Dated... They are no longer dating... The mastermind I'm talking about is John Mayer. Yes the "You're body is a Wonderland, No Such Thing, Waiting on the World to Change, used to have his own TV show 'til it flopped and has seen Jessica Simpson naked, John Mayer. Anyway, he has a single out of a song he did for a film and the song is (like 99 percent of his stuff) totally brilliant. It's called "Say" Say-John Mayer Click that and it'll pop up on iTunes, you can hear a clip... At least I think I did the link thing right.

Ok now it's time for me to admit something. While the strike was going on in New York the first week, I was there and showed up at the theater and did my thing but no show. Then my sister got very sick and put into the hospital for kidney defect and I asked to go home to be with her and the rest of my family. My stage manager was very cool about the whole thing and I flew home last Monday to be with everybody. My sister is still sick (a week later) and hopefully the doctors will figure out what is wrong with her but it was really nice to hang with my family especially since it was Thanksgiving this week. My dad is easily my best friend in the entire world and at 53 the dude can rock out in more sports than a 24 year old little boy. How do I know? Because I'm 24 and he rocks my world at everything. It's been fantastic even if I am getting beat around whatever sporting field we are playing that day. So I will be heading back to New York tomorrow and while I'm there I plan on hiring Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Dickie Webber, and Tiger Woods for 7 hours a day 4 days a week to teach me how to whoop my dads ass in everything... nuff said.

Be good you guys and Keep Safe :-)


Monday, November 19, 2007

I Just Have to Inform You Guys I Think...

Hey everybody,
I will keep this one short and do another tomorrow but I wanted to just tell everybody a quick little insight.

I am not the only one that checks and updates my myspace page. I will Promise though that when you get a response from me related to a note or comment on myspace, it's ALWAYS me writing you back but I'm not always... I'm hardly ever the one updating the information, or changing the look, or adding songs, mixing up comments... the list goes on. But the bottom line is please please please, I beg of you to forgive me if you paid 20 bucks or whatever for my Broadway Record and found out that you can now buy it through digital download from DigStation. It is cheaper, I will give you that, it saves you money, but I have nothing to do with that download and neither does this fan site. Please don't write mean things to the very nice girl that runs this page about how you feel you got screwed out of 5 bucks or however much it cost you to purchase it from here instead of downloading the record.
I will give you a couple reasons though why it is more money to buy here than it is to download the album. If you buy it here I donate money to Marfan Syndrome. Also when you buy the record here, you get the actual product, meaning you get the CD and the artwork and the case and it's wrapped in plastic, the whole shibag!
When you download the album you don't get an actual CD case and the works, and none of that money goes to the charity. In fact I don't hardly get a cent of that purchase, it mostly goes to the downloading company.
I realize this is a ridiculous Blog but wanted to just clear something up for the people that are pissed they paid more money for the album and felt the need to say something to the manager of this site.

I'm really sorry but I thought I would get that out there, also just so it's not a surprise the record will be on iTunes soon and will be the same price on there as it is on Digstation (all the same applies) I hope that kind of clears things up for you guys and is a good enough explanation as too why there is a price difference.

That being said you guys are fantastic and I can't thank you enough for the very kind e-mails, letters, messages, comments the works that you have all said in response to my album, I'm glad yo enjoy it, and if you don't like it I apologize I'll do better next time I swear. :-)

Be good and check back again later within 24 hours and we'll have a much better update... Especially with this crazy crudy strike. Keep safe everyone.


Monday, November 12, 2007

What's my take on this whole thing...

I hear Broadway made world headline news. I'm not quite sure it's the type of headline news everyone might be hoping for but Broadway made headline news...
It's a bit hard for me to explain what is happening here.
It's a very mixed feeling.
Sometimes I feel like everyone just needs to get over themselves and move on, stagehands, producers, actors, directors... whatever.
It's hard to really speak your piece about this entire circumstance because you want to support everyone. The stagehands are great guys and girls and the show can not function at all without them. What do I mean by that? The stagehands are (just to name a few) the ones that run the lights, the sound, the fly systems, the costumes, the fair and make up, the dressers, the ones that clean the theater each day, the ones that fix broken props, the ones that move the piano on stage so you can rehearse, the ones collecting the tickets at the door, the ones selling you the tickets.. the list goes on and on...

I'm not going to put my opinion too much into this topic because too be honest it's really not my place to say who is right and who is being unreasonable. It goes both ways. That's what I will say. Both (the stagehands and the producers) have great arguments and both have not so great requests.
What I will say is I know a lot of stagehands that have families, and I know a lot of producers that have families. Both are trying to make money and both are trying to keep their job. Both are loosing out in some way shape or form because of the strike. And that being said so are the Actors, and too be honest it isn't really our fight. We want to support the theater family but we loose out on our paychecks as this continues too.
I don't think I really want to give too much more on this subject, at least in this fashion because honestly I don't really know what to say about it all. My general consensus is very simple though... It Sucks, I just want to perform. Lets fix this all ready.