Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Was I Nervous....

Hi Everybody!
First I think I should warn you, I finally discovered the fact that I am skinny... Weird. Abnormally skinny I never really thought, freaky skinny, naw, Gross to look at, I hope not, skinny, tall, lanky, and now blonde... YES!! So I have decided to do the gym thing. I don't really like to go to the gym because I find everything in there is very, very heavy. None the less, I'm skinny so I will give this gym thing a hsot for a couple of months and we'll see how it turns out from there. That being said, I imagine I'll have numerous spelling and grammar mistakes because I can hardly lift my arms up to the keyboard, in fact it almost hurts to press the keys, if you catch my drift. (please say you do) Ok if you don't... I'm a pansey and worked out a little too hard maybe and my arms hurt like hell.
That being said...
I had my Broadway debut. I went on with Adam Pascal as Roger and had a blast. People keep asking me if I was nervous, was I nervous to play Mark? No. Was I nervous because I was in Rent? Not Really. Was I nervous becaseu I didn't feel prepared? Again, Not Really, I think I knew was I was supposed to do and when. But here's were I got nervous...

I run out on stage holding the camera and tri-pod. I set it up on the end of the stage, I turn to look at everyone in the cast (they all look very supportive) take a breath... "We begin, on Christmas Eve with me Mark and..." cool the opening mono is going just fine, just like old times on tour. Finally the opening mono is done and "SMILE" "December 24th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time from here on in I shoot without a script. See if anything comes of it, instead of my old shit.. First shot Rog..." HOLY SHIT THAT'S ADAM PASCAL.... That's when I got a little nervous. That's the kat I've been listening to for the past 10 years or whatever, he's the real deal, the main guy, THE OR-IG-IN-AL . Very cool.
I had a great time, and it was a lot of fun to perform with someone I've looked up to for so long. I missed Dec of course, and can not wait to get up and sing this show with him on a completely new stage but had a very good time with Adam as well.
I don't have any footage or anything of the show but I can play you this.... ( the quality is weird because it was taken by a cell phone so just roll with it...

The pictures in that small video were made by a wonderfully supportive friend of mine Tracey, and the audio was taken by probably the best fan a guy could ask for. :-)
Speaking of wonderful people. Check these bad boys out..

Everyone I think knows I have a major sweet tooth so Ann Marie (a total sweetheart I met while on tour) made these for me as an opening night present. Yes, those are chocolates with mine and Dec's face on them... I know I know... Sweet has a double meaning here... :-) Come by the theater and I'll share them with you. Thank you very much Ann Marie.
Also thanks so much to the cool packages and letters sent to the stage door at the theater. It was cool when I got my frist few letters, I was surprised and really stoked about so mthanks a ton for sending stuff over to the theater and showing all the support on my behalf.
I think that's about all for now, I hope you guys enjoyed the little music clip sorry it wasn't the ENTIRE song but a good chunk of it I think :-) I hope everyone is well. Come see Declan and I on the 8th of Oct. that's our official opening night. We'll do our best NOT to suck I promise. Keep safe everybody.