Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Opening Nights and More weird S**t in New York

Lets first start with this crap I found outside of the Nederlander Theater...

Yes, I have found Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Sludge Crud outside of the Nederlander Theater. Now this was pretty tempting to play in because I've always been a pretty big fan of those "Mean Green Fightin' Machines" I didn't play in it... But I wanted to I'm not gonna lie.

Also... I have found the love child of Freddie Mercury (Lead Singer of Queen) and Borat on teh Subway of New York City.

Right! RIGHT!!

I think that's all that needs to be said about this kat.

Moving on...
I went to the grocery store and bought Chicken Nuggets. I love Chicken Nuggets. This time I happened to buy some Tyson chicken nuggets and they had all kinds of VegiTales crap all over the package, but I thought VegiTales, (singing dancing wickedly happy cartoon vegetables) that could make eatting so much more fun... Why not!? I get them home I open up the package and check this out...

Now I try and keep my mind out of the gutter as often as possible but come on, perverted chicken. Don't even try and come up with an excuse as to why Tyson made chicken that looks like a penis and boobs... The reason why is because it's supposed to be a childerens food and it's funny to make little kids eat that stuff and have no clue.

Finally, I had my opening night on Broadway! It was wicked fun. I got to do the show with Adam Pascal! Come on, that's bad to the bone, the original big shot... I had a blast. I missed Dec, but had a great time and can't wait to share the stage with my good British friend.
You get the point. I ramble, it's what I do.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Putting "Starbusts" to Shame

Hello from...New York City!!!

I've ben told you can get everything here... Everything. I've learned that just might be true.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a big fan of Gummy Bears always have been for some reason. Well I think I've always had a soft spot in my mouth and in my heart for almost every "chewy" candy out there... Chewy Sprees, Skittles, Gummy Bears, the list goes on and on. I've got a sweet tooth what can I say :-) I will say though ever since being in the studio to record my album, I've been addicted to salted Pumpkin Seeds. I guess since drugs aren't so much the thrill they used to be in the recording studio musicians are reverting to other ways to get there high, I've never tried drugs of any kind before (and to be honest don't ever plan on it) but I don't mind admitting I might be addicted to these pumpkin seeds. Getting to my point though about finding anything in New York, I've discovered the most glorious chewy candy on the entire planet, hands down.

Please Note:

That is the flavor, I've tried maybe 10 different kinds and the Strawberry kick my ass. I love them. I don't know what the hell they are called I don't know how to pronounce a single word on the wrapper and I couldn't tell you what it's made out of (it might be dog s**t and whale blubber (but honestly if whale blubber were in these it wouldn't surprise me at all) and I'd keep eatting it still) but they are incredible. I've found them in lot of random delis and stuff in New York and have a sweet looking secret stash in my apartment, for those 3am cravings. But please get out and try these crazy chewy things, they will rock your world.

Now I have a question for all of you. I am on some weird, and very random, graffiti art kick. I really want some for my apartment. I don't mean someone come over and spray paint the snot out of my walls I mean, I want like poster board sized canvas painted on with bright colors and cool looking writting and scenery and the works. I'd pay for it if I could find it but have yet to discover where someone will do it for less than like 300 bucks... I don't mean to be cheap but I don't have a spare 300 smack-a-roos for wall art, sorry. I talked to a dude in soho who was painting crazy planets and stuff on paper with spray paint if he could help me out and some how that kinda fell thru, honestly I'll take the blame for that though. He was going to do a graffitti picture for me of my logo...

The "HJ" thing. But some how it ended up falling apart...crap!
Anyway, if you guys do it, or know someone that does, let me know, cause I want some! :-)

Ok it's time for bed...Finally, long day of rehearsal and cleaning the apartment, an episode of HJ cribs will be coming up very soon so check back... :-)

Keep safe everybody.



It's late and I spelled a ton of stuff wrong... Once again, it's late...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Look Who I Met

So I've only been in New York for like 9 days and have all ready seen/met some of the most interesting people. For example check this guy out:

I got on the subway and for the first time since I've been here actually found a place to sit. I looked straight ahead and this kat was just sitting there in his own little world. I'm not quite sure if he was just resting his eyes or if he was actually asleep because every once in a while he'd mumble something terrific but honestly don't know if it was intentional or just a crazy dream he was having.
But before seeing that dude I went to this place called the Metro Diner on like 100th street or close to it. Anyway I sat down to enjoy some type of diner delight and look who was sittin gabout 8 booths away from me...

I KNOW!!!!!
Is that NOT Jonathan Larsen....
I will say I have seen him, reading the newspaper... He is alive and well and checking up on us all. Now I realize I'm the creppy one that took a secret picture of a perfect stanger and am now posting it on the internet, but this is too sweet to not talk about.
Lastly, some of you know I'm a fan of country music... I wouldn't say ALL country music but I am a huge fan of Keith Urban and Rascal Flatts (which to be honest I think tops my list of country artists, i don't htink I really listen to any other country music besides them but...) Rascal Flatts New ALBUM comes out Sept. 25th.. Umm Yee Ha!

Keep on keepin on and Keep safe Everyone :-)