So how'd you do during the first week of 2010?!
I've heard a lot of people say "it's pointless to use the new year as an excuse to make goals and write out resolutions and all that because if you really wanted to complete your goals and resolutions you would make them during the entire year!"
And the people I've hear make this comment have done it with this "tone" almost like they are offended humans would make up time in the first place and then they would even THINK about using a random night during the year to look back at the previous years and think "gosh I wonder if I could do better?"
To all this is say... Yes, you absolutely CAN make resolutions or new goals or whatever during anytime in the year... to me that's so of like a MAJOR BONUS! Why is it a bonus? Because they are your goals, change them during the course of the year amend and expand on them, let them grow let them change and except that! It's a good thing. So To all of you that think making goals during the first week of the new year I say get over your fear of not completing them, get over your fear of "the end result," get over the fear of the scary "what if" situations and bring some motivation and positive light into your life by writing a goal down! It' takes time but feels oh so good!
Ok now enough of me pressuring you to better yourself... I'm gonna talk about other things like shameless self promotion and junk...
First on the list if you aren't on the fan email sign up list... HOP ON THAT GRAVY TRAIN! I'll make it super easy, just copy and click or just click this link...
It takes literally, 18 seconds, less if you type faster than normal!
What do you get for signing up for that bad boy?
Well, I'm gonna hook you up with free new song downloads, acoustic mixes of some old stuff, updates on, new merchandise updates, pictures you've never seen before, contests and games, gig updates, tour information, exclusive videos, FREE stuff I just want to give out, as well as monthly newsletters where I ramble and while you're at work you can at least have something to do for 3 minutes even if all that means is you can make fun of me... I'm OK WITH THAT JUST SIGN UP :-)
Next, I'm playing a FREE show in LA on January 22nd.
Not only is it FREE but it's ALL AGES and not only is it ALL AGES the room I'm playing in is super fun.
This is a fun show because not only will I be playing but two of my greatest friends are as well. David Haack and Phillip Daniel. So what that means is you come to the show on January 22nd at Cafe Muse in LA on Santa Monica at 9pm and walk in the door because it's free, and you can leave your ID at home because it's all ages and watch not one not two but three singer songwriters get their groove on. it'll be 2 hours of music and laughs mixed with some good food and great people. So to break it down...
Cafe Muse in Los Angeles
January 22nd
Starts at 9pm goes until 11pm
See your pretty faces there.
I'm still working on the second record! I want to give you news and updates but the only thing I'm going to give you at this minute are two things and if you keep up with this FaceBook and Twitter thing pretty well then you've already had a taste but don't you fret I'll be pumping out more stuff in the next few days. :-)
But here is a link to a DEMO version of a new tune called "Defenseless From You"
And if you haven't been there yet head over to and listen to "Watch it Burn" both of these tunes will be on the new record so keep an eye out for it!
Wait wait wait! You haven't even heard the old one... !!!
Umm don't worry I'm on iTunes hop on the link and listen up :-)
I'm on Twitter are you?! Let's hang out...
So how about that for information!!! too much information, heck no! Multitasking is something everyone should be good at :-) I'm here to help!
Fan Email Sign Up
New Song "Defenseless From You" DEMO
Acoustic Show This Month at Cafe Muse
Cafe Muse in Los Angeles
January 22nd
Starts at 9pm goes until 11pm
Ok there it is... All the info I HAVE to get out to start the year! But I'll leave you with this...
Every morning before I even brush my teeth I pull out a pad of paper and write down 5 things that I am thankful for from the day before. Simple things, "I'm so grateful I was able to talk to my mom today" because I don't get to talk to her as often as I'd like... "I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to sleep in a bomb ass bed last night, gosh I slept great."
Try it. It literally takes 2 minutes and really does make your day start out in tip top shape. Underneath my 5 things I'm grateful for I write 5 goals I have for that day...
"Get to the grocery store"
"Write a bridge to the song I started yesterday"
"Clean my desk drawer out"
"Call my sister and tell her I think she's awesome"
"Send out 3 CD's to music Managers I'd like to be rep'd with"
Some of those I'll get done and some of them I just wont, I don't plan on not getting them done but if I don't I move them to the next day and my list is 6 or 7 goals long instead of 5...
Create the world you want to live in, be in the world not OF it, and enjoy the journey... I promise you, life might seem hard, but you can make it and complaining will get you no where, smile, things are looking up, and if you feel like this is the worst day you've ever had, the good thing that should make you smile is, you can go no where but UP from here!
Here's to you in 2010 thank you for everything
Without Wax,
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Pound Pound Pound
The year is almost over...
That DOES NOT mean this will be my last blog of 2009 it just means we are getting close to yet another chance to start again! I can't wait.
Here is where I think a lot of people go backwards at the end/beginning of a new year.
- They spend time thinking "What the Hell happened to the last 365 day? Where WAS I? I didn't get this done or this done or that done... CRAP!
- They spend too much time worrying about not being able to make up for the "mistakes" they made last year in the new one so they just get further and further behind.
- They never try to learn from the things that not only they did but the people around them did. What I mean by the is, I don't have to touch a stove to know it's going to be hot... I've seen people get burned by accident by those things all the time. It's hot I get it. The same applies for drugs, alcohol, drinking and driving, and other stuff just like that.
But I think the things that people should focus on knowing a new year is right around the corner is this...
- Here's a chance to make new relationships and have the ones that I've already got grown that much stronger.
- Here's a chance to change someones life every single day! TRUST ME... that IS absolutely possible and you don't have to save them from a burning building to have that kind of effect.
- Here's a chance to grow, evolve and live life!
- Here's chance to actually write down goals. Whether they are goals for the week the month the year the day! Write them down. Did you know that you are 10 times more likely to achieve something if you've written it down. 10 times! Write stuff down... it takes 10 minutes and it could mean the difference between getting the lead in the school play and not getting a part at all. It means a difference of getting the A in biology and getting a B or C. It means a difference of being on broadway and never stepping foot on that stage in your entire life. All because you wrote it down... Wouldn't you want an edge on your competition that is ten times greater??!! Who wouldn't!?
Now we get to self promotion and some neat new information....
Don't get to comfortable with the website... It's changing, it's getting a make over, a face lift, a suck and tuck! Get ready to have your world rocked by the new website! It's already been started and if I do say so myself... I love it and I think you will too. So take a mental note of how it looks now because when 2010 gets here it's gonna be a whole new
I'M PLAYING MY LAST BLOGtv SHOW OF 2009 on DEC. 23rd starting at 6pm California time. That means 9pm in New York, and 7pm in Arizona. I'll play some new stuff that I've never played live before and I'll play a couple Christmas tunes, and some random ideas that pop in my head I'm sure will shoot out at some point.
New merch is comin at ya!
New t shirts, new hats, new stickers, new music, maybe even a hoodie or two! I'm bustin it all out for you!! Designed and thought up by me and posted for your wearing/viewing/purchasing enjoyment!
TODAY ONLY! Thats TODAY ONLY (Dec. 18th 2009)
A country radio station in Arizona called KNIX is doing a fundraiser for United Way.
For a donation of at least $20 they will play anything you want on their station from NOW until 5pm west coast time. Thats 5pm!
If you have the time and the extra cash, call them and donate 20 dollars to the cause, it's a fantastic cause I've already donated I promise. Then ask them to play YOUR FAVORITE song on the Without Wax album. Any Song. I've already been fortunate enough thanks to all of you to have three songs play! Of course the more the merrier for everyone, me, United Way, the radio station, the people that benefit from the money and you get a tax write off along with a warm fuzzy feeling :-)
The website for more info or to make a donation is:
or call them at:
Call, make a donation and request a song by Harley Jay!!!
Thank you all for everything, it's been a great year thanks to every last one of you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, lets make it another great year fro all of us!! Keep your head held high, smile and enjoy the journey!
Without Wax,
That DOES NOT mean this will be my last blog of 2009 it just means we are getting close to yet another chance to start again! I can't wait.
Here is where I think a lot of people go backwards at the end/beginning of a new year.
- They spend time thinking "What the Hell happened to the last 365 day? Where WAS I? I didn't get this done or this done or that done... CRAP!
- They spend too much time worrying about not being able to make up for the "mistakes" they made last year in the new one so they just get further and further behind.
- They never try to learn from the things that not only they did but the people around them did. What I mean by the is, I don't have to touch a stove to know it's going to be hot... I've seen people get burned by accident by those things all the time. It's hot I get it. The same applies for drugs, alcohol, drinking and driving, and other stuff just like that.
But I think the things that people should focus on knowing a new year is right around the corner is this...
- Here's a chance to make new relationships and have the ones that I've already got grown that much stronger.
- Here's a chance to change someones life every single day! TRUST ME... that IS absolutely possible and you don't have to save them from a burning building to have that kind of effect.
- Here's a chance to grow, evolve and live life!
- Here's chance to actually write down goals. Whether they are goals for the week the month the year the day! Write them down. Did you know that you are 10 times more likely to achieve something if you've written it down. 10 times! Write stuff down... it takes 10 minutes and it could mean the difference between getting the lead in the school play and not getting a part at all. It means a difference of getting the A in biology and getting a B or C. It means a difference of being on broadway and never stepping foot on that stage in your entire life. All because you wrote it down... Wouldn't you want an edge on your competition that is ten times greater??!! Who wouldn't!?
Now we get to self promotion and some neat new information....
Don't get to comfortable with the website... It's changing, it's getting a make over, a face lift, a suck and tuck! Get ready to have your world rocked by the new website! It's already been started and if I do say so myself... I love it and I think you will too. So take a mental note of how it looks now because when 2010 gets here it's gonna be a whole new
I'M PLAYING MY LAST BLOGtv SHOW OF 2009 on DEC. 23rd starting at 6pm California time. That means 9pm in New York, and 7pm in Arizona. I'll play some new stuff that I've never played live before and I'll play a couple Christmas tunes, and some random ideas that pop in my head I'm sure will shoot out at some point.
New merch is comin at ya!
New t shirts, new hats, new stickers, new music, maybe even a hoodie or two! I'm bustin it all out for you!! Designed and thought up by me and posted for your wearing/viewing/purchasing enjoyment!
TODAY ONLY! Thats TODAY ONLY (Dec. 18th 2009)
A country radio station in Arizona called KNIX is doing a fundraiser for United Way.
For a donation of at least $20 they will play anything you want on their station from NOW until 5pm west coast time. Thats 5pm!
If you have the time and the extra cash, call them and donate 20 dollars to the cause, it's a fantastic cause I've already donated I promise. Then ask them to play YOUR FAVORITE song on the Without Wax album. Any Song. I've already been fortunate enough thanks to all of you to have three songs play! Of course the more the merrier for everyone, me, United Way, the radio station, the people that benefit from the money and you get a tax write off along with a warm fuzzy feeling :-)
The website for more info or to make a donation is:
or call them at:
Call, make a donation and request a song by Harley Jay!!!
Thank you all for everything, it's been a great year thanks to every last one of you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, lets make it another great year fro all of us!! Keep your head held high, smile and enjoy the journey!
Without Wax,
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Fat Man in Red is Coming!!!
First of all here's to a wonderful holiday season and happy new year
and all that comes with it!
I got each and every one of you a card... I'd like you all to frame
it and put it in you living room as a conversation piece, and when
your grandmother comes over please tell her this is a guy you've been
seeing and that you couldn't be prouder of him.

I always get excited about the holidays... Honestly I wish I could
talk my body into feeling like this all year round. I'll work on it...
But this really is a great time of year to tell your friends and loved
ones how fantastic you really think they are. That's what my message
today to you is about.
Thanks for being incredible and rocking my world for another entire
I've gotten support from all of you in one way or another and how
could I not feel great every single minute of the day when I have such
an incredible world of people around me! Gosh it's nice!
Record update... I'm still busting out on it dont worry I haven't
forgotten or gotten too caught up in other junk to make music... It's
going well and everyday gets a little closer to being complete. So
when's the release date? No clue... but soon. Why does it seem like
I'm holding out? Because I don't want it to suck and I have been so
blessed to have people like you that enjoy the first record so I want
to make sure I'm not just putting out scrapped material from the old
record. New stuff, good stuff, fun stuff, inspired stuff, evolved
stuff, polished stuff but still real true and raw stuff... Thats what
I'm going for. I just have to find the perfect blend of songs to put
on one CD... It's a little harder than it sounds I think.
I'm coming to AZ for Christmas and will be there for a few days and
plan on playing a show at some point so keep an eye out and I'll give
you the run down for that when it's set in stone.
I'm on twitter! Are you?! Why aren't we tweeter buddies?!?
Enough of me, go hug your friends and then look in the mirror and hug
the snot out of yourself. You did great this year! You rocked it! You
grew up a little, you got wiser, you learned, you challenged yourself,
you took a leap of faith, you experienced something great, you
laughed, you cried, you made it to 2010! Keep hugging, you deserve it!
Now go out and smile at someone.
Today a best friend of mine and I sang "It's the most wonderful time
of the year" while walking down a busy shop filled sidewalk, it has
completely made my day better BAM just like that... Some people
smiled, some people laughed, some people even joined in! Go ahead and
sing on the street who cares it's fun and it makes you feel great and
as long as you're not being annoying and lame about it you'll probably
get a little street choir of your own!
Oh and just so I don't make you loose sleep over the image that has
been etched into your head from that last picture here's one to make
up for it...
Happy Holidays!

New Years Resolution... Get my arms to the gym STAT!
Without Wax,
Harley Jay
PS -
Sign this if you haven't!!! It's a sign up sheet to be on a fan list!!! I wont bug you. Chill but if you want to hear about cool stuff like gigs, and mercy sales, and website updates, and all that jazz put your name on the sheet :-) I'd love it if you did :-)
First of all here's to a wonderful holiday season and happy new year
and all that comes with it!
I got each and every one of you a card... I'd like you all to frame
it and put it in you living room as a conversation piece, and when
your grandmother comes over please tell her this is a guy you've been
seeing and that you couldn't be prouder of him.

I always get excited about the holidays... Honestly I wish I could
talk my body into feeling like this all year round. I'll work on it...
But this really is a great time of year to tell your friends and loved
ones how fantastic you really think they are. That's what my message
today to you is about.
Thanks for being incredible and rocking my world for another entire
I've gotten support from all of you in one way or another and how
could I not feel great every single minute of the day when I have such
an incredible world of people around me! Gosh it's nice!
Record update... I'm still busting out on it dont worry I haven't
forgotten or gotten too caught up in other junk to make music... It's
going well and everyday gets a little closer to being complete. So
when's the release date? No clue... but soon. Why does it seem like
I'm holding out? Because I don't want it to suck and I have been so
blessed to have people like you that enjoy the first record so I want
to make sure I'm not just putting out scrapped material from the old
record. New stuff, good stuff, fun stuff, inspired stuff, evolved
stuff, polished stuff but still real true and raw stuff... Thats what
I'm going for. I just have to find the perfect blend of songs to put
on one CD... It's a little harder than it sounds I think.
I'm coming to AZ for Christmas and will be there for a few days and
plan on playing a show at some point so keep an eye out and I'll give
you the run down for that when it's set in stone.
I'm on twitter! Are you?! Why aren't we tweeter buddies?!?
Enough of me, go hug your friends and then look in the mirror and hug
the snot out of yourself. You did great this year! You rocked it! You
grew up a little, you got wiser, you learned, you challenged yourself,
you took a leap of faith, you experienced something great, you
laughed, you cried, you made it to 2010! Keep hugging, you deserve it!
Now go out and smile at someone.
Today a best friend of mine and I sang "It's the most wonderful time
of the year" while walking down a busy shop filled sidewalk, it has
completely made my day better BAM just like that... Some people
smiled, some people laughed, some people even joined in! Go ahead and
sing on the street who cares it's fun and it makes you feel great and
as long as you're not being annoying and lame about it you'll probably
get a little street choir of your own!
Oh and just so I don't make you loose sleep over the image that has
been etched into your head from that last picture here's one to make
up for it...
Happy Holidays!

New Years Resolution... Get my arms to the gym STAT!
Without Wax,
Harley Jay
PS -
Sign this if you haven't!!! It's a sign up sheet to be on a fan list!!! I wont bug you. Chill but if you want to hear about cool stuff like gigs, and mercy sales, and website updates, and all that jazz put your name on the sheet :-) I'd love it if you did :-)
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
D-23 for the boy scouts...
You never know what life will throw at you. So you gotta be waiting for something great to happen at all times. You never know when that moment will come where you realize, "in the next 15 minutes my life could change forever."
The thing about that is, it's only going to actually change for the better if you're prepared and ready for it. If you are constantly expecting the worst it's not going to change in your favor. If you're reading this and you're an actor or a singer, a performer of any kind... Study, learn, DO! You can go to school all you want to learn to perform but if you aren't performing you'll never hands that hands on experience that really counts. If you're not in the performing arts, study, learn, DO! Always try to be the best at your craft no matter what it is, fixing cars, cleaning bathrooms, selling motorcycles, singing in a rock band, bagging groceries, the CEO of cables soup! Use your head, we were all born with common sense so use it! Think of new exciting ways to make the most of your current situation and I promise the universe will provide. But it'll only happen if you're prepared for it. Always be prepared.
The thing about that is, it's only going to actually change for the better if you're prepared and ready for it. If you are constantly expecting the worst it's not going to change in your favor. If you're reading this and you're an actor or a singer, a performer of any kind... Study, learn, DO! You can go to school all you want to learn to perform but if you aren't performing you'll never hands that hands on experience that really counts. If you're not in the performing arts, study, learn, DO! Always try to be the best at your craft no matter what it is, fixing cars, cleaning bathrooms, selling motorcycles, singing in a rock band, bagging groceries, the CEO of cables soup! Use your head, we were all born with common sense so use it! Think of new exciting ways to make the most of your current situation and I promise the universe will provide. But it'll only happen if you're prepared for it. Always be prepared.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
D-22 quality
Late nights...
The blogging is almost over everybody only a couple more days and then you won't have to listen to me talk EVERY SINGLE DAY...
Tonight I'm here to tell you for the rest of this week, keep it simple. It's not about quantity it's about quality. Quality people in your life, quality work, quality attitude, quality everything. Make sure your producing something whether it's homework or work for your boss or music or art or anything that is a quality product. I'm gonna do my best to do the same.
This week is quality week.
Without wax,
-- Posted from my iPhone
The blogging is almost over everybody only a couple more days and then you won't have to listen to me talk EVERY SINGLE DAY...
Tonight I'm here to tell you for the rest of this week, keep it simple. It's not about quantity it's about quality. Quality people in your life, quality work, quality attitude, quality everything. Make sure your producing something whether it's homework or work for your boss or music or art or anything that is a quality product. I'm gonna do my best to do the same.
This week is quality week.
Without wax,
-- Posted from my iPhone
Monday, September 28, 2009
D-21 T.V.

If you watch Tv for 3 hours a day every single day of the year that comes out to
1,095 hours of tv a year
That's 45.63 days a year you spent watching tv.
Can you imagine all the crud you could accomplish with 43 extra days each year?!?
This week give it a shot and don't watch one hour of tv. Instead play guitar, piano, study a language, call your mom back, get to the gym, play a sport! Anything!
See what you can get done with an extra few hours in your week. I'll do it too! No tv starting NOW for the rest of the week.
Without wax,
-- Posted from my iPhone
Saturday, September 26, 2009
D-20 Sabastian
D-19 Isle 5
It's way too late to be here...

But I am none the less... A guys gotta eat ya know...
My favorite isle in the store is the cereal isle because it's basically all the same stuff but you have a million choices...

Everyone has their favorites and everyone has the ones they can't stand but still the packaging looks great.
I feel like that's a lot like life. We're all grouped together sometimes. And sometimes we try and change our box to make ourselves more appealing or maybe we even offer a prize to the person that picks us up. But when it really comes down to it, the card board isn't gonna taste any different from box to box/ person to person. But the inside is gonna either rock your world or make you pissed you spent 5 bucks on something you hate.
No matter what people say, even if they say it's a bunch of bull, remember it really is what's on the inside that counts.
Without wax,
-- Posted from my iPhone

But I am none the less... A guys gotta eat ya know...
My favorite isle in the store is the cereal isle because it's basically all the same stuff but you have a million choices...

Everyone has their favorites and everyone has the ones they can't stand but still the packaging looks great.
I feel like that's a lot like life. We're all grouped together sometimes. And sometimes we try and change our box to make ourselves more appealing or maybe we even offer a prize to the person that picks us up. But when it really comes down to it, the card board isn't gonna taste any different from box to box/ person to person. But the inside is gonna either rock your world or make you pissed you spent 5 bucks on something you hate.
No matter what people say, even if they say it's a bunch of bull, remember it really is what's on the inside that counts.
Without wax,
-- Posted from my iPhone
Friday, September 25, 2009
D-18 anytime I want...
Happiness is...
- a place where falling on your face is perfectly ok but being able to laugh at yourself is a requirement
- filled with English Buldogs and other cubby animals of the same degree.
- set up like a musical where it's no uncommon to bust out into a song in the style of your choice in the middle of the grocery store.
- full of great ideas, creativity, and the feelings that make
your ears tingle and you stomach light up.
- music non stop but always accompanied by mood lighting, pillows, and a reclining leather chair.
- the ones you love. Period
Happiness is not only a feeling but a place you can create anytime you want. Set up a vacation spot there and enjoy your retirement.
Without wax,
- a place where falling on your face is perfectly ok but being able to laugh at yourself is a requirement
- filled with English Buldogs and other cubby animals of the same degree.
- set up like a musical where it's no uncommon to bust out into a song in the style of your choice in the middle of the grocery store.
- full of great ideas, creativity, and the feelings that make
your ears tingle and you stomach light up.
- music non stop but always accompanied by mood lighting, pillows, and a reclining leather chair.
- the ones you love. Period
Happiness is not only a feeling but a place you can create anytime you want. Set up a vacation spot there and enjoy your retirement.
Without wax,
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